601. Identify the following command to configure a secret password to 'cisco'?
A.) Router(config)#enable password cisco secret
B.) Router(config)#enable secret cisco
C.) Router(config)#enable secret password cisco
D.) Router(config)#set secret = cisco
Ans B
602. Identify the effect of Ctrl-Z?
A.) Exits back to privileged exec mode
B.) Disconnect from the router
C.) Abort the ping operation
D.) Exits privileged exec mode
Ans A
603. Given an IPX network with redundant paths, what command will configure load
A.) ipx load-balance
B.) ip maximum-paths 2
C.) ipx maximum-paths 2
D.) ipx load-share
Ans C
604. Identify the correct IGRP configuration?
A.) Router# router igrp 100
Router# network
B.) Router(config)#router igrp 100
C.) Router(config)# router igrp
Router(config-router)# network
Ans B 605. Identify the components in the following command 'interface serial0/1/1'
A.) Serial interface, port number 0, slot 1, port adapter 1
B.) Serial interface, slot 1, port number 1, port adapter 0
C.) Serial interface, slot 0, port adapter 1, port number 1
Ans C
606. Identify the command to view the configuration-register value?
A.) show register
B.) display config-register
C.) show config
D.) show version
Ans D
607. Identify the 2 commands that save the running-config to a TFTP server?
A.) write running tftp
B.) copy running network
C.) copy running tftp
D.) write network
Ans C D
608. Identify the mode reflected by the following prompt 'Router<boot>'?
A.) Setup
B.) RXBoot
C.) Boot mode
D.) Privileged exec mode
Ans B
609. How do you disable CDP on the entire Router?
A.) Router#no cdp run
B.) Rotuer(config-if)# no cdp enable
C.) Router(config)# no cdp enable
D.) Router(config)# no cdp run
Ans D
610. What command can be used to test IPX connectivity?
A.) Ping 2e.000.0045.8923
B.) Ping
C.) Ping ipx 2e.0000.0045.8923
D.) Ipx ping 2e.0000.0045.8923
Ans D
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611. Identify the 2 commands that display the clock rate configured on the serial0 interface?
A.) show serial0
B.) show interface serial0
C.) show clock rate serial 0
D.) show controllers serial 0
E.) show running-config
Ans B E
612. What is the command to copy the IOS image to a TFTP server?
A.) copy flash tftp
B.) copy running-config tftp
C.) copy ios tftp
D.) copy startup-config tftp
Ans A
613 Identify the command that configures the bandwidth to 56K?
A.) Router(config-if)# bandwidth 56000
B.) Router(config-if)# bandwidth 56k
C.) Router(config)# bandwidth 56
D.) Router(config-if)# bandwidth 56
Ans D
614 Identify the command to configure DLCI 100 on an interface e0?
A.) Router(config)# frame-relay local-dlci 100
B.) Router(config)# frame-relay local-dlci 100 int e0
C.) Router(config-if)# frame-relay local-dlci 100
D.) Router(config-if)# frame-relay local-dlci 100 int e0
Ans C
615. Identify the command to configure the router to boot from an alternate IOS located in
A.) boot system flash IOS.exe
B.) boot system tftp IOS.exe
C.) boot system alternate IOS.exe
D.) boot system rom IOS.exe
Ans A
616 Identify the command to configure a description on an interface?
A.) Router> description Finance department
B.) Router(config)# description Finance department
C.) Router(config-if)# description Finance department
D.) Router# description Finance department
Ans C 617. Identify the 2 commands that will display the status and information about interface
E0 only?
A.) show interface ethernet E0
B.) show interface E0
C.) show E0
D.) show int E0
E.) show interface
Ans B D
618. In order to configure a Frame Relay subinterface with IP identify the 2 commands that
must be configured on the physcial interface?
A.) Router(config-if)# encapsulation frame-relay
B.) Router(config-if)# no ip address
C.) Router(config-if)#encapsulation subinterface frame-relay
D.) Router(config)# subinterface s0 encapsulation frame-relay
Ans A B
619 Identify the command to determine if an IP access-list is grouped on interface e0?
A.) Router(config)# show ip interface e0
B.) Router> show ip interface e0
C.) Router# show interface e0
D.) Router# show ip interface e0
Ans D
620 Identify the keystroke to position the cursor to the beginning of a command line?
A.) Ctrl-A
B.) Ctrl-Ins
C.) Ctrl-B
D.) Ctrl-Z
Ans A
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621. Identify the following components of the IPX address 2e.0000.0065.ed43
A.) Not a valid IPX address
B.) Network = 2e, Subnet = 0000, Node = 0065.ed43
C.) Network = 2e.0000, Node = 0065.ed43
D.) Network = 2e, Node = 0000.0065.ed43
Ans D
622. What is the syntax to add a banner to the Cisco router?
A.) motd banner #
B.) banner
C.) banner motd # D.) banner #
Ans C
623. What is the command to allow you to type Tokyo instead of the IP address
to access a router named Tokyo?
A.) config t, ip host Tokyo
B.) config t, ip hostname Tokyo
C.) config t, hostname Tokyo
D.) config t, ip hostname Tokyo
Ans A
624. How do you disable advanced editing?
A.) terminal editing
B.) terminal no editing
C.) disable editing
D.) no terminal editing
Ans B
625. Which of the following will show an extended access list 150?
A.) sh access-list
B.) sh ip int
C.) sh ip access-list 150
D.) sh access-list 150 extended
Ans A C B ( a bit)
626. You have a Class B network address divided into 30 subnets. You will add 25 new
subnets within the next year. You need 600 host IDs for each subnet.
Which subnet mask should you use?
D.) 255.255.248 0
Ans C
627. What is the syntax to use to configure the port on a Catalyst 5000 switch?
A.) slot port/type
B.) type slot/port
C.) port slot/type
D.) port type/slot
Ans A
628. What 3 sources can configuration commands be placed into RAM?
A.) HP Openview
B.) Console
C.) Vterminal
D.) TFTP server E.) NVRAM
Ans B D E
629 Identify the true statements about the following access list:
Access-list 101 deny tcp any eq 23
Access-list 101 permit ip any any
A.) This access list prevents the host from telneting
B.) This access list prevents any telnet traffic from subnet
C.) This access list filters some telnet access
D.) This access list denies any telnet traffic to subnet
E.) This access list is invalid
F.) The netmask on the this access list is reversed
Ans B C
630. Given the IPX address 4a.0002.1111.a999, what is the network ID and what is the node
A.) net 4a host 0002.1111.a999
B.) net a999 node 0002.1111
C.) net 0002.1111.a999 node 4a
D.) net 0002.1111 node a999
Ans A
631 What command do you use to disable domain lookup?
A.) no domain-lookup
B.) domain no-lookup
C.) lookup no-domain
D.) no ip domain-lookup
Ans D
632 Which of the following are valid Cisco encapsulation type names?
A.) arpa = IPX Ethernet
B.) novell-ether = IPX Ethernet_802.3
C.) snap = IEEE 802.2 SNAP on Ethernet, FDDI, and Token Ring
D.) novell-fddi = IPX Fddi_Raw
E.) sap = IEEE 802.2 on Ethernet, FDDI, and Token Ring
F.) hdlc = HDLC on serial interfaces
Ans B C E F
633 Which of the following is an invalid host address using a netmask of
An D 634. Which of the following will apply IPX sap access list 1010 for incoming traffic, assume
you are at the interface configuration?
A.) ipx input-sap-filter 1010 in
B.) ipx input-sap-filter 1010
C.) ipx access-group 1010 in
D.) ipx access-list 1010 in
Ans C
635. What command can you type to view the connections after telneting into multiple
routers simultaneously?
A.) sh users
B.) sh ports
C.) sh host
D.) sh sessions
Ans D
636. Which of the following is a valid extended IP access-list?
A.) router(config)# access-list 101 permit tcp host any eq 21 log
B.) router# access-list 101 permit tcp host any eq 21 log
C.) router(config)# acess-list 101 permit any any
D.) router(config)# access-list 101 permit ip host any eq 21 log
Ans A
637. What is the command to manually enter a static route?
A.) IP route <default gateway> <subnet mask> network
B.) IP route <destination network> <default gateway>
C.) IP route < destination network> <subnet mask> <default gateway>
D.) IP route <destination network> <subnet mask> <source network>
Ans C
638. What key do you use to view the last command?
A.) Ctrl+X
B.) Ctrl+Z
C.) Ctrl+E
D.) Ctrl+P
Ans D
639. What 2 commands verify end to end communications?
A.) Trace
B.) debug ip session
C.) Ping
D.) Route
Ans A C 640. Your Ethernet interface currently has the IP address of You would like it to
have a second IP address of Which command will do that?
A.) ip address
B.) ip address secondary
C.) ip address
D.) This cannot be done, you can only have 1 IP address per physical interface.
E.) ip address /24
Ans B
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641. Which command listed below sets the banner message when someone connects to
the router?
A.) message #
B.) banner #
C.) login banner #
D.) description #
E.) login description #
F.) banner motd #
642. What should be the first command to create an access-list that prevents all users on
subnetwork, using subnet mask, from being able to telnet
A.) access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet
B.) access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet
C.) access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet
D.) access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet
E.) access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet
F.) access-list 101 deny tcp any eq telnet
Ans A
643. The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) periodically sends out a multicast packet (at
layer 2). Which command will alter the default interval of 60 seconds?
A.) cdp hold 111
B.) cdp wait 111
C.) cdp interval 111
D.) cdp 111
E.) cdp timer 111
Ans E
644. Which command will start the process for a Cisco IOS file image upgrade?
A.) download
B.) copy tftp flash C.) copy flash tftp
D.) download flash
E.) network
645. Which command allows a user to see previous commands?
A.) show command
C.) show history
E.) Up Arrow
Ans B E
646. Which command will display the IPX routing table?
A.) show routes
B.) show routes ipx
C.) show routes protocol=ipx
D.) show ipx
E.) show ipx route
Ans E
647. What is the correct command line syntax for configuring a port on a 7000 or 7500
series Cisco router with a VIP card?
A.) port
B.) port adapter/port
C.) You can't put a VIP card in a 7000 or 7500 router.
D.) slot/port-adapter/port
E.) slot/port
F.) slot
Ans D
648. How do you view the routers current processor utilization?
A.) show version
B.) show processes cpu
C.) show running-config
D.) show startup-config
E.) show cpu
F.) show utilization
Ans B
649. Which command will enable debugging for IPX RIP updates?
A.) debug ipx
B.) debug ipx rip
C.) debug ipx rip activity
D.) debug rip E.) debug ipx packets
Ans C
650. There is an emergency fall-back 'skeleton' IOS stored in read only memory on all
Cisco routers. What command would make the router load the IOS from Read Only
A.) reload rom
B.) boot system rom
C.) load ios bootflash
D.) load ios rom
E.) bootsystem skeleton
Ans B
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