AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Each Question carries 2 marks.
Choose the correct or best alternative in the following:
Q.1 If the crystal oscillator is operating at 15 MHz, the PCLK output of 8284 is
(A) 2.5 MHz. (B)5 MHz.
(C)7.5 MHz. (D)10 MHz.
Q.2 In which T-state does the CPU sends the address t o memory or I/O and the ALE signal
for demultiplexing
(A) T1. (B) T2.
(C) T3. (D)T4.
Ans, During the first clocking period in a bus cycle, which is called T1, the address of
the memory or I/O location is sent out and the control signals ALE, DT/R’ and IO/M’
are also output. Hence answer is (A).
Q.3 If a 1 M 1 × DRAM requires 4 ms for a refresh and has 256 rows to be refreshed, no
more than __________ of time must pass before another row is refreshed.
(A) 64 ms. (B)4 ns.
(C)0.5 ns. (D)15.625 s ยต .
AnsAnswer is (B)
Q.4 In a DMA write operation the data is transferred
(A) from I/O to memory. (B) from memory to I/O.
(C)from memory to memory. (D) from I/O to I/O.
AnsA DMA writes operation transfers data from an I/O device to memory. Hence
answer is (A).
Q.5 Which type of JMP instruction assembles if the di stance is 0020 h bytes
(A) near. (B) far.
(C) short. (D) none of the above.
AnsThe three byte near jump allows a branch or jump within ± 32K bytes. Hence
answer is (A).
Q.6 A certain SRAM has 0 CS = , 0 WE = and 1 OE = . In which of the following
modes this SRAM is operating
(A)Read (B) Write
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(C) Stand by (D) None of the above
AnsFor CS’=WE’=0, write operation. Hence answer is (B).
Q.7 Which of the following is true with respect to EEPROM?
(A) contents can be erased byte wise only.
(B) contents of full memory can be erased together.
(C) contents can be erased using ultra violet rays
(D) contents can not be erased
AnsAnswer is (C).
Q.8 Pseudo instructions are basically
(A) false instructions.
(B) instructions that are ignored by the microprocessor.
(C)assembler directives.
(D)instructions that are treated like comments.
Ans Pseudo-instructions are commands to the assembler. All pseudo-operations start
with a period. Pseudo-instructions are composed of a pseudo-operation which may be
followed by one or more expressions. Hence answer is (C).
Q.9 Number of the times the instruction sequence below will loop before coming out of
loop is
MOV AL, 00h
(A) 00 (B) 01
(C) 255 (D)256
AnsAnswer is (D)
Q.10 What will be the contents of register AL after the following has been executed
(A) 0A and carry flag is set (B)0A and carry flag is reset
(C)6A and carry flag is set (D)6A and carry flag is reset
Ans, Result is 1,0A. Hence answer is (A).
Q.11 Direction flag is used with
(A) String instructions. (B)Stack instructions.
(C)Arithmetic instructions. (D)Branch instructions.
AnsThe direction flag is used only with the string instructions. Hence answer is (A).
Q.12 Ready pin of a microprocessor is used
(A) to indicate that the microprocessor is ready to receive inputs.
(B) to indicate that the microprocessor is ready to receive outputs.
(C) to introduce wait states.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(D) to provide direct memory access.
AnsThis input is controlled to insert wait states into the timing of the microprocessor.
Hence answer is (C).
Q.13 These are two ways in which a microprocessor can come out of Halt state.
(A) When hold line is a logical 1.
(B) When interrupt occurs and the interrupt system hasbeen enabled.
(C) When both (A)and (B)are true.
(D) When either (A) or (B) are true.
AnsAnswer is (A)
Q.14 In the instruction FADD, F stands for
(A) Far. (B)Floppy.
(C)Floating. (D) File.
AnsAdds two floating point numbers. Hence answer is (C).
Q.15 SD RAM refers to
(A) Synchronous DRAM (B) Static DRAM
(C)Semi DRAM (D) Second DRAM
Ans, Answer is (A)
Q.16 In case of DVD, the speed is referred in terms ofn X (for example 32 X). Here, X
refers to
(A) 150 KB/s (B) 300 KB/s
(C) 1.38 MB/s (D)2.4 MB/s
AnsAnswer is (C).
Q.17 Itanium processor of Intel is a
(A) 32 bit microprocessor. (B)64 bit microprocessor.
(C)128 bit microprocessor. (D)256 bit microprocessor.
AnsThe Itanium is a 64-bit architecture microprocessor. Hence answer is (B).
Q.18 LOCK prefix is used most often
(A) during normal execution. (B) during DMA accesses
(C) during interrupt servicing. (D) during memory accesses.
AnsLOCK is a prefix which is used to make an instruction of 8086 non-interruptable.
Hence answer is (C).
Q.19 The Pentium microprocessor has______execution units.
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
AnsThe Pentium microprocessor is organized with threeexecution units. One
executes floating-point instructions, and the othertwo (U-pipe and V-pipe) execute
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
integer instructions. Hence answer is (C).
Q.20 EPROM is generally erased by using
(A) Ultraviolet rays (B)infrared rays
(C)12 V electrical pulse (D) 24 V electrical pulse
AnsThe EPROM is erasable if exposed to high-intensityultraviolet light for about 20
minutes or less. Hence answer is (A)
Q.21Signal voltage ranges for a logic high and for alogic low in RS-232C standard are
(A)Low = 0 volt to 1.8 volt, high = 2.0 volt to 5 volt
(B) Low =-15 volt to –3 vol, high = +3 volt to +15 volt
(D) Low = +3 volt to +15 volt, high = -3 volt to -15 volt
(E) Low = 2 volt to 5.0 volt, high = 0 volt to 1.8 volt
AnsAnswer is (B)
Q.22 The PCI bus is the important bus found in all the new Pentium systems because
(A) It has plug and play characteristics
(B) It has ability to function with a 64 bit data bus
(C) Any Microprocessor can be interfaced to it with PCIcontroller or bridge
(D) All of the above
Ans, Answer is (D).
Q.23 Which of the following statement is true?
(A) The group of machine cycle is called a state.
(B) A machine cycle consists of one or more instructioncycle.
(C) An instruction cycle is made up of machine cycles and a machine cycle is
made up of number of states.
(D) None of the above
AnsAn instruction cycle consists of several machine cycles. Hence Answer is (B).
Q.24 8251 is a
(C) Programmable Interrupt controller
(D) Programmable interval timer/counter
AnsThe Intel 8251 is a programmable communication interface. It is USART.
Q.25 8088 microprocessor has
(A) 16 bit data bus (B)4 byte pre-fetch queue
(C) 6 byte pre-fetch queue (D) 16 bit address bus
AnsThe 8088 is a 16-bit microprocessor with an 8-bit data bus. The 16-bit address
bus. Hence answer is (D).
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.26By what factor does the 8284A clock generator divide the crystal oscillator’s output
(A)One (B)Two
(C)Three (D)Four
AnsWhen F/C’ is at logic 0; The oscillator output is steered through to the divideby-3 counter. Hence answer is (c).
Q.27The memory data bus width in Pentium is
(A)16 bit (B) 32 bit
(C)64 bit (D)None of these
AnsThe Data bus width is 64 bits. Hence answer is (C).
Q.28 When the 82C55 is reset, its I/O ports are all initializes as
(A)output port using mode 0 (B)Input port using mode 1
(C)output port using mode 1 (D)Input port using mode 0
AnsA RESET input to the 82C55 causes all ports to be set up as simple input ports
using mode 0 operations. Hence answer is (D).
Q.29 Which microprocessor pins are used to request andacknowledge a DMA transfer?
(A)reset and ready (B) ready and wait
(C)HOLD and HLDA (D)None o these
Ans, The HOLD pin is an input that is used request a DMA action and the HLDA
pin is an output that that acknowledges the DMA action. Hence answer is (C).
Q.30Which of the following statement is false?
(A) RTOS performs tasks in predictable amount of time
(B) Windows 98 is RTOS
(C) Interrupts are used to develop RTOS
(D)Kernel is the one of component of any OS
AnsOperating systems, like Windows, defer many tasks and do not guarantee their
execution in predictable time. Hence answer is (B).
Q.31 The VESA local bus operates at
(A)8 MHz (B) 33 MHz
(C)16 MHz (D)None of these
AnsThe VESA local bus operates at 33 MHz. Hence answer is (B).
Q.32The first modern computer was called_____________.
Ans, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first generalpurpose electronic computer. It was a Turing-complete, digital computer capable of
being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems. ENIAC was
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the U.S. Army's Ballistic Research
Laboratory. Hence answer is (c).
Q.33Software command CLEAR MASK REGISTER in DMA
(A)Disables all channels.
(B) Enables all channels.
(D)Clears first/last flip-flop within 8237.
AnsEnables all four DMA channels. Hence answer is (B).
Q.34The first task of DOS operating system after loading into the memory is to use the file
Ans, The first task of the DOS operating system, afterloading into memory, is to
use a file called the CONFIG.SYS file. This file specifies various drivers that load
into the memory, setting up or configuring the machine for operation under DOS.
Q.35 If the programmable counter timer 8254 is set in mode 1 and is to be used to count
six events, the output will remain at logic 0 for _____ number of counts
(A)5 (B)6
(C)0 (D)All of the above
Ans. OUT continues for the total length of the count. Hence answer is (B).
Q.36 The flash memory is programmed in the system by 12 V programming pulse.
AnsThe flash memory device requires a 12V programmingvoltage to erase and write
new data. Hence answer is (A).
Q.37A plug and play (PnP) interface is one that contains a memory that holds
configuration information of the system.
AnsAnswer is (A)
Q.38 The accelerated graphics port (AGP) allows virtually any microprocessor to be
interfaced with PCI bus via the use of bridge interface.
Ans, this port probably will never be used for any devices other than the video card.
Hence answer is (B).
Q.39 A Bus cycle is equal to how many clocking periods
(A) Two (B) Three
(C) Four (D) Six
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Ans Typically, the bus-cycle of the 8086 and 8088 processors consist of four clock
cycles or pulses. Thus, duration of a bus-cycle is = ‘4*T’. Hence Answer is (C).
Q.40 The time required to refresh a typical DRAM is
(A) 2 – 4 us (B) 2 – 4 ns
(C) 2 – 4 ms (D) 2 – 4 ps
AnsThe capacitor Cs discharges through the internal resistance of the NMOS transistor
T1. Typically Cs = 0.2 pF and the internal resistance Rin = 10
ohms, so:
Cs x Rin = 0.2 x 10
x 10
x 10
ms = 2 ms
So the typical refresh time interval is 2 ms. HenceAnswer is (C).
Q.41 The no. of address lines required to address a memory of size 32 K is
(A) 15 lines (B) 16 lines
(C) 18 lines (D) 14 lines
Ans32K = 32 X 1024 bits = 2
X 2
= 2
Hence answer is ( A).
Q.42 The no. of wait states required to interface 8279 to 8086 with 8MHz clock are
(A) Two (B) Three
(C) One (D) None
AnsTwo wait states used so that device can function with an 8 MHz. Hence answers is
( A).
Q.43 NMI input is
(A) Edge sensitive (B) Level sensitive
(C) Both edge and level triggered (D) edge triggered and level sensitive
AnsNon-maskable interrupt (NMI) is an edge –triggeredinput that requests an
interrupt on the positive edge (0 to 1 transition).
Q.44Data rate available for use on USB is
(A)12 Mbits per second (B)1.5 Mbits per second
(C) Both (A)and (B) (D)No restriction
AnsData transfer speeds are 12 Mbps for full speed operation and 1.5 Mbps for slow
speed operation. Hence answer is (c).
Q.45 In 80186, the timer which connects to the system clock is
(A) timer 0 (B)timer 1
(C) timer 2 (D)Any one can be connected
Ans.Timer 2 is internal and clocked by the master clock. Hence answer is (c).
Q.46 Conversion of the +1000 decimal number into signed binary word results
(A) 0000 0011 1110 1000 (B) 1111 1100 0001 1000
(C) 1000 0011 1110 1000 (D) 0111 1100 0001 1000
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
1000 /2 =>500 0
500/2=>250 0
250/2=>125 0
125/2=>62 1
62/2=>31 0
31/2=>15 1
15/2=>7 1
7/2=>3 1
3/2=>1 1
16 bit signed number is 1000,0011,1110,1000
Hence Answer is (C).
Q.47 What do the symbols [ ] indicate?
(A) Direct addressing (B) Register Addressing
(C) Indirect addressing (D) None of the above
AnsAnswer is (C).
Q.48 SDRAM refers to
(A) static DRAM (B) synchronous DRAM
(C) sequential DRAM (D) semi DRAM
Ans, Answer is (B)
Q.49 Which pins are general purpose I/O pins during mode-2 operation of the 82C55?
(A) PA0 – PA7 (B) PB0-PB7
(C) PC3-PC7 (D) PC0-PC2
AnsIn mode 2 Port-A can be programmed to operate as bidirectional port. The mode-2
operation is only for Port-A. Hence Answer is (A)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.1 Describe the operation performed by the instruction OUT 47 h, AL. (3)
Ans : It transfers the content of AL to I/O port 47h. Notice that I/O port number
appears as 0047h on the 16 bit address bus and thatdata from AL appears on the data
bus of the microprocessor.
Q.2 How is 8255 (Programmable Peripheral Interface) configured if its control register
contains 9B h. (3)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
9BH => 1001 1011 =>
b6b5=00-> Mode0
b4=0-> Port A as input.
b3=1-> Port C as input (PC7-PC4)
b2=0-> Mode 0
b1=1-> Port B as input
b0=1-> Port C as input (PC3-PC0).
Q.3 Write a control word for counter 1 of 8253 / 8254that selects the following options:
load least significant byte only, mode 5 of operation and binary counting. Then write
an instruction sequence that will load the control word into 8253 / 8254 that is located
at address 01000 h of memory address space. Assumethat 8253 / 8254 is attached to
the I/O bus of the CPU and the address inputs
A and
A are supplied by
A and
respectively. (5)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Based on the above given conditions and assuming counter 0 is used. The control
word becomes 0001 1010h.
Identify the port address
- The CS is enabled when A7=1
- The Control Register is selected when A1 and A0 =1
- Assuming unused address lines A6 to A2 are at logic 0,
Then port address will be as follows
Control Register = 83H
Counter 2 = 82H
IN 82H
IN 82H
Q.4 ‘Pentium processor has a superscalar architecture’. Explain the meaning of the
statement. (4)
The Pentium microprocessor is organized with three execution units. One executes
floating-point instructions, and the other two (U-pipe and V-pipe) execute integer
instructions. This means that it is possible to execute three instructions
Q.5 Write a short note on RS-232-C. (8)
The RS-232 standard is a collection of connectionstandards between different pieces
of equipment. The EIA RS-232 serial communication standard is a universal
standard, originally used to connect teletype terminals to modem devices. In a
modern PC the RS-232 interface is referred to as a COM port. The COM port uses a
9-pin D-type connector (Refer Fig (a)) to attach to the RS-232 cable. The RS-232
standard defines a 25-pin D-type connector (Refer Fig (b)) but IBM reduced this
connector to a 9-pin device so as to reduce cost and size.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Fig (a) Female & Male “DB-9” Connector
Fig 1(b) Female & Male “DB-25” Connector
Q.6 Explain the terms: simplex, half duplex and full duplex. (6)
Simplex Transmission
Data in a simplex channel is always one way. Simplex channels are not often used
because it is not possible to send back error or control signals to the transmit end.
An example of a simplex channel in a computer system is the interface between the
keyboard and the computer, in that key codes need only be sent one way from the
keyboard to the computer system.
Half Duplex Transmission
A half duplex channel can send and receive, but notat the same time. It’s like a onelane bridge where two-way traffic must give way in order to cross. Only one end
transmits at a time, the other end receives.
Full Duplex Transmission
Data can travel in both directions simultaneously. There is no need to switch from
transmit to receive mode like in half duplex. It’s like a two lane bridge on a twolane highway.
Q.7 How DRAM’s are different from SRAM’s? Why DRAMs are said to employ
address multiplexing? (4)
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is essentially the same as SRAM, except that it retains
data for only 2 or 4 ms on an internal capacitor. After 2 or 4 ms, the contents of the
DRAM must be completely rewritten (refreshed) because the capacitors, which
store logic 1 or logic 0, lose their charges. The entire content of the memory is
refreshed with 256 reads in a 2-to-4 ms interval. Refreshing also occurs during a
write, a read or during a special refresh cycle.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.8Explain the operation of 8279. Explain thefollowing terms:
(i) N key Roll over.
(ii) Key board debounce.
(iii) FIFO RAM. (9)
The 8279 is a programmable keyboard and display interfacing component that
scans and encodes up to a 64-key keyboard and controls up to a 16-digit
numerical display. The keyboard interface has builtin first-in first-out (FIFO)
buffer that allows it store up to eight keystrokes before the microprocessor must
retrieve a character. The display section controls up to 16 numeric displays from
an internal 16 X 8 RAM that stores the coded display information.
The keyboard section consists of eight lines that can be connected to eight
columns of a keyboard, plus two additional lines as well as to shift and
CNTL/STB keys. The key pressed are automatically debounced and the
keyboard can operate in two modes two –key lock outor n-key rollover. If two
keys in the two –key lock out mode are pressed simultaneously, only first key is
recognized. In the N-key roll over mode, simultaneous key are recognized and
their codes are stored in the internal buffer.
Q.9 What are the differences between CGA and VGA graphics adapters? (4)
The Color Graphics Adapter (CGA), originally also called the Color/Graphics
Adapter or IBM Color/Graphics Monitor Adapter introduced in 1981, was
IBM's first color graphics card, and the first color computer display standard for
the IBM PC.
The standard IBM CGA graphics card was equipped with 16 kilobytes of video
memory, and could be connected either to a NTSC-compatible monitor or TV
via an RCA jack, or to a dedicated 4-bit "RBGI" interface CRT monitor, such as
the IBM 5153 color display.
The term Video Graphics Array (VGA) refers specifically to the display
hardware first introduced with the IBM PS/2 line of computers in 1987, but
through its widespread adoption has also come to mean either an analog
computer display standard, the 15-pin D-subminiature VGA connector or the
640×480 resolution itself. While this resolution has been superseded in the
personal computer market, it is becoming a popular resolution on mobile
VGA was officially superseded by IBM's XGA standard, but in reality it was
superseded by numerous slightly different extensions to VGA made by clone
manufacturers that came to be known collectively as"Super VGA".
Q.10 What do you mean by A/D conversion? Explain anyone of the following A/D
(i) Successive approximation.
(ii) Parallel / flash converter.
The electronic circuit, which translates an analogsignal into a digital signal, is
known as Analog - to – Digital converter (ADC).
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(i) Successive approximation ADC
One method of addressing the digital ramp ADC's shortcomings is the so-called
successive approximation ADC. The only change in this design is a very special
counter circuit known as a successive-approximation register. Instead of
counting up in binary sequence, this register counts by trying all values of bits
starting with the most significant bit and finishing at the least-significant bit.
Throughout the count process, the register monitorsthe comparator's output to
see if the binary count is less than or greater than the analog signal input,
adjusting the bit values accordingly. The way the register counts is identical to
the "trial-and-fit" method of decimal-to-binary conversion, whereby different
values of bits are tried from MSB to LSB to get a binary number that equals the
original decimal number. The advantage to this counting strategy is much faster
results: the DAC output converges on the analog signal input in much larger
steps than with the 0-to-full count sequence of a regular counter.
Without showing the inner workings of the successive-approximation register
(SAR), the circuit looks like this:
Fig: Successive Approximation ADC Circuit
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
It should be noted that the SAR is generally capable of outputting the binary
number in serial (one bit at a time) format, thus eliminating the need for a shift
register. Plotted over time, the operation of a successive-approximation ADC
looks like this:
Fig: Successive Approximation ADC Circuit Input andoutput Waveforms
ii. Parallel / flash converter.
Also called the parallel A/D converter, this circuit is the simplest to understand.
It is formed of a series of comparators, each one comparing the input signal to a
unique reference voltage. The comparator outputs connect to the inputs of a
priority encoder circuit, which then produces a binary output. The following
illustration shows a 3-bit flash ADC circuit:
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Fig: FLASH ADC Circuit
Vref is a stable reference voltage provided by aprecision voltage regulator as
part of the converter circuit, not shown in the schematic. As the analog input
voltage exceeds the reference voltage at each comparator, the comparator
outputs will sequentially saturate to a high state.The priority encoder generates
a binary number based on the highest-order active input, ignoring all other
active inputs.
Q.11 What do you mean by external and internal data bus? How are these two related
in 8088 processor. (2)
AnsInternal Data Bus: A bus that operates only withinthe internal circuitry of
the CPU, communicating among the internal caches ofmemory that are part of
the CPU chip’s design. This bus is typically ratherquick and is independent of
the rest of the computer’s operations.
External Data Bus: A bus that connects a computer to peripheral devices. The
8088 microprocessor has 16-bit registers, 16-bit internal data bus and 20-bit
address bus, which allows the processor address up to 1 MB of memory.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.12 What is the difference between XT and AT computer system? (2)
XT ->extended and AT->Advanced Technology
Some differences between the PC and XT include the type of power supply
originally included--63 vs 135 watts; the number and spacing of expansion
slots--5 vs 8; the PC has a cassette tape interfaceconnector on the back.
Q.13 What are program-invisible registers? (2)
Ansthe global and local descriptor tables are found in the memory system. In
order to access and specify the address of these tables, the program invisible
registers used. The program invisible registers are not directly addressed by
software so they are given name.
The GDTR (global descriptor table register) and IDTR (interrupt descriptor
table register) contain the base addresses of the descriptor table and its limit.
The limit of each descriptor table is 16 bits because the maximum table length is
64 Kbytes. When the protected mode operation is desired, the address of the
global descriptor table and its limit are loaded into the GDTR.
Q.14 The interrupt vector table is always created in thefirst 1K area of the memory.
Justify the statement. (2)
AnsWhen the CPU receives an interrupt type number from the PIC, it uses this
number to look up the corresponding interrupt vector in memory. There are 256
interrupt types. Each interrupt vector occupies 4 bytes. Therefore, a total of 4 x
256 = 1K bytes of memory is reserved at the beginning of the processor memory
address space for storing interrupt vectors.
Q.15 What is the purpose of carry (c) flag and zero (z) flag? (2)
AnsCarry flag holds the carry after addition or the borrow after subtraction. The
carry flag also indicates error conditions, as dictated by some programs and
The Zero flag shows that the result of an arithmetic or logical operation is zero.
If Z=1, the result is zero; if Z=0, the result is notzero.
Q.16 What is 16-bit ISA? Compare it with 8-bit ISA bus. (6)
AnsThe only difference between the 8 and 16-bit ISA bus is that an additional
connector is attached behind the 8-bit connector. 16-bit ISA card contains two
edge connectors. One plugs into the original 8-bit connector and other plugs into
the 16-bit connector. The added features that are most often used are the
additional interrupt request inputs and DMA request signals. Interfaces found
for the ISA bus are modems and sound cards.
Q.17 Compare memory mapped I/O with I/O mapped I/O. (4)
Ans Memory Mapped I/O Scheme: In this scheme there is only one address
space. Address space is defined as all possible addresses that microprocessor
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
can generate. Some addresses are assigned to memories and some addresses to
I/O devices. An I/O device is also treated as a memory location and one address
is assigned to it. In this scheme all the data transfer instructions of the
microprocessor can be used for both memory as well as I/O device. This scheme
is suitable for a small system.
In I/O mapped I/O scheme the addresses assigned to memory locations can also
be assigned to I/O devices. Since the same address may be assigned to a
memory location or an I/O device, the microprocessor must issue a signal to
distinguish whether the address on the address bus is for a memory location or
an I/O device.
Q.18 Explain in brief the functions of the clock gener ator chip, 8284. (4)
Ans, 8284 Clock generator:
The 8284 is an ancillary component to the microprocessors. Without clock
generator, many additional circuits are required to generate the clock in an
microprocessor based system. A 8284 provides the following basic functions or
signals: Clock generation, RESET synchronization, READY synchronization,
and a TTL-level peripheral clock signal.
Q.19 Write a brief note on MMX technology. (4)
Ans, MMX (Multimedia extensions) technology adds 57 new instructions to the
instruction set of the Pentium – 4 microprocessors.The MMX technology also
introduces new general purpose instructions. The new MMX instructions are
designed for application such as motion video, combined graphics with video,
image processing, audio synthesis, speech synthesis and compression,
telephony, video conferencing, 2D graphics, and 3D graphics. These new
instructions operate in parallel with other operations as the instruction for the
arithmetic coprocessor.
The MMX architecture introduces new packed data types. The data types are
eight packed, consecutive 8-bit bytes; four packed, consecutive 16-bit words;
and two packed, consecutive 32-bit double words.
Q.20 What are the different modes in which 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface
(PPI) can operate? Write the 8086 initialisation routine required to program
8255 for mode 1 with Port A and Port B as output Ports and Port C as an input
port. Indicate all the relevant signals. (6)
• 24 I/O lines in 3 8-bit port groups – A, B, C
• A, B can be 8-bit input or output ports
• C can serve as 2 4-bit input or output ports
• 3 modes of operation:
– Mode 0:A, B, C simple input or output level sensitive ports
– Mode 1:A, B input or output ports with strobe control in C
– Mode 2:A is bidirectional with control/handshake inB and C
• A, B can only change 1 byte at a time
• C has individual bit set/reset capability
• Advantage is non-dedicated circuit can change port configuration with
software and no “glue logic”
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
• Ports A, B, and C are used for I/O data.
• The control register is programmed to select the operation mode of the three
ports A, B, and C.
• Mode 0 : simple I/O mode
• Any of the ports A, B, CL and CU can be programmed as input or output.
• No control of individual bits (all bits are out or all bits are in)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.21 Explain the operation of IRET instruction. What memory locations contain the
vector for an INT 34 instruction? (4)
The Interrupt return (IRET) instruction is used only with software or hardware
interrupt service procedures. Whenever an IRET instruction executes, it stores
the contents of I and T from the stack. This is important because it preserves the
state of the flag bits. If interrupts were enabled before an interrupt service
procedure, they automatically re-enabled by the IRET instruction because it
restores the flag register.
Interrupt Number 20-FF are stored at an address 80 – 3FFH.
Q.22 Explain the following terms:
i. Branch prediction logic.
ii. Paging.
iii. Assembler.
iv. Microprocessor development system. (8)
(i) Branch prediction logic in Pentium: The Pentium microprocessor uses
branch prediction logic to reduce the time required for a branch caused by
internal delays. These delays are minimized becausewhen a branch instruction is
encountered, the microprocessor begins pre-fetch instruction at the branch
address. The instructions are loaded into the instruction cache, so when the
branch occurs, the instructions are present and allow the branch to execute in one
clocking period. If for any reason the branch prediction logic errors, the branch
requires an extra three clocking periods to execute. In most cases, the branch
prediction is correct and no delay ensues.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(ii) Paging Unit: The paging mechanism functions with 4K – byte memory
pages or with a new extension available to the Pentium with 4M byte-memory
pages. In the Pentium, with the new 4M-byte paging feature memory for the
page-table reduced to single page table.
(iii) Assembler:An assembler or macro-assembler generally forms a part of the
operating system. Which translates a assembly language program into machine
language program.
(iv) Microprocessor development system:Computer systems have undergone
many changes recently. Machines that once filled large areas have been reduced
to small desktop computer systems because of the microprocessor. Although
these desktop computers are compact, they possess computing power that was
only dreamed of a few years ago.
The blocks of the microprocessor based system are
1. The Memory and I/O System
2. The DOS Operating System
3. The Microprocessor
Q.23 Explain the following instructions:
(i) TEST (ii) NEG (iii) CMP (iv) DAA. (8)
(i) TEST: The TEST instruction performs the AND operation. The difference is
that the AND instruction changes the destination operand, while the TEST
instruction does not. A TEST only affects the condition of the flag register,
which indicates the result of the test.
(ii) NEG: Arithmetic sign inversion or two’s complement (NEG). The NEG
instruction two’s complements a number, which meansthat the arithmetic sign of
a signed number changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive.
(iii)CMP: The comparison instruction (CMP) is a subtraction that changes only
the flag bits; the destination operand never changes. A comparison is useful for
checking the entire contents of a register or a memory location against another
value. A CMP is normally followed by a conditional jump instruction, which
tests the condition of the flag bits
(iv) DAA: The DAA instruction follows the ADD or ADC instruction to adjust
the result into a BCD result. The DAA instruction functions only with the AL
register, this addition must occur eight bits at a time.
Q.24 With respect to serial communication define the following:
(i) baud rate. (ii) asynchronous communication.
(iii) parity. (iv) half duplex. (4)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Half Duplex Transmission: A half duplex channel can send and receive, but not
at the same time. It’s like a one-lane bridge where two-way traffic must give
way in order to cross. Only one end transmits at a time, the other end receives.
Asynchronous means "no synchronization", and thus does not require sending
and receiving idle characters. However, the beginning and end of each byte of
data must be identified by start and stop bits. Thestart bit indicates when the
data byte is about to begin and the stop bit signals when it ends. The
requirement to send these additional two bits causes asynchronous
communication to be slightly slower than synchronous however it has the
advantage that the processor does not have to deal with the additional idle
The rate of data transfer in serial data communication is denoted in bps. Bits per
second (bps) is the rate of transfer of informationbits. Baud is the number of
signal level changes per second in a line, regardless of the information content
of those signals. The baud and bps rates are not necessarily equal. The ratio of
BPS to baud depends on the information-coding scheme that you are using. For
example, each character in asynchronous RS-232 coding includes a start and
stop bit that are not counted as information bits, so the BPS rate is actually less
than the baud rate.
Besides the synchronization provided by the use of start and stop bits, an
additional bit called a parity bit may optionally be transmitted along with the
data. Figure shows the inclusion of an additional parity bit for error control
purposes. A parity bit affords a small amount of error checking, to help detect
data corruption that might occur during transmission. You can choose even
parity, odd parity, mark parity, space parity or none at all. When even or odd
parity is being used, the numbers of marks (logical1 bit) in each data byte are
counted, and a single bit is transmitted following the data bits to indicate
whether the number of 1 bit just sent is even or odd.
Fig. Framed data including a parity bit
For example, when even parity is chosen, the parity bit is transmitted with a
value of 0 if the number of preceding marks is an even number. For the binary
value of 0110 0011 the parity bit would be 0. If even parity were in effect and
the binary number 1101 0110 were sent, then the parity bit would be 1.
Q.25 What is the importance of RS232-C in serial communication? Name some
application where you see its use. (4)
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
'C' 'A'
Character frame,11 bits in total
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Ans RS-232 stands for Recommend Standard number 232 and C is the latest
revision of the standard. The serial ports on most computers use a subset of the
RS-232C standard. The full RS-232C standard specifies a 25-pin "D" connector
of which 22 pins are used. Most of these pins are not needed for normal PC
communications, and indeed, most new PCs are equipped with male D type
connectors having only 9 pins. In the world of serial communications, there are
two different kinds of equipment:
• DTE - Data Terminal Equipment
• DCE - Data Communications Equipment
Q.26 Write short notes on (Any FOUR):-
(i) 8259.
(ii) Real time clock.
(iii) Real and protected mode.
(iv) Super scalar architecture.
(v) Comparison between Motorola processors and INTEL processors.
(4 x 4 = 16)
(i) 8259:
The 8259A adds 8 vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor. It can
be expanded to 64 interrupt requests by using one master 8259A and 8 slave units.
CS and WR must be decoded. Other connections are direct to microprocessor.
The pins D7 – D0: the bidirectional data connection, IR7 – IR0: Interrupt request,
used to request an interrupt & connect to a slave in a system with multiple 8259A.
WR :-Connects to a write strobe signal (lower or upper in a 16 bit system) , RD :-
Connects to the IORC signal , INT :- Connects to the INTR pin on the
microprocessor from the master and is connected to a IR pin on a slave and INTA
:- Connects to the INTA pin on the microprocessor. In a system only the master
INTA signal is connected
A0 :- Selects different command words with in the 8259A, CS :- Chip select -
enables the 8259A for programming and control, SP/EN :- Slave Program (1 for
master, 0 for slave)/Enable Buffer (controls the data bus transceivers in a large
microprocessor based system when in buffered mode) and CAS2-CAS0 :- Used as
outputs from the master to the slaves in cascaded systems.
Fig : 8259 Block Diagram
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(ii) Real time clock:
A real-time clock keeps the time in real time – that is, in hours and minutes. The
software for the real-time clock contains an interrupt service procedure that is
called 60 times per second and a procedure that updates the count located in four
memory locations.
Assembler directives:
An assembler directive is a statement to give direction to the assembler to
perform the task of assembly process. The assembler directives control
organization of the program and provide necessary information to the assembler
to understand assembly language programs to generate machine codes. They
indicate how an operand or section of a program is to be processed by the
assembler. An assembler supports directives to define data, to organize
segments to control procedures, to define macros etc.
(iii) Real and protected mode:
Operation of Real mode interrupt: When the microprocessor completes
executing the current instruction, it determines whether an interrupt is active by
checking (1) instruction execution, (2) single –step, (3) NMI, (4) co-processor
segment overrun, (5) INTR, and (6) INT instruction in the order presented. If
one or more of these interrupt conditions are present, the following sequence of
events occurs:
1. The contents of the flag register are pushed onto the stack
2. Both the interrupt (IF) and trap (TF) flags are cleared. This disables the
INTR pin and the trap or single-step feature.
3. The contents of the code segment register (CS) are pushed onto the
4. The contents of the instruction pointer (IP) are pushed onto the stack.
5. The interrupt vector contents are fetched, and thenplaced into both IP
and CS so that the next instruction executes at the interrupt service
procedure addressed by the vector.
Protected mode interrupt:
In the protected mode, interrupts have exactly the same assignments as in real
mode, but the interrupt vector table is different. In place of interrupt vectors,
protected mode uses a set of 256 interrupt descriptors that are stored in an
interrupt descriptor table (IDT).
(iv). Super scalar architecture:
The Pentium microprocessor is organized with three execution units. One
executes floating-point instructions, and the other two (U-pipe and V-pipe)
execute integer instructions. This means that it is possible to execute three
instructions simultaneously.
(v). Comparison between Motorola processors and INTEL processors:
AMD/Intel processors are really about the same thing. They run the same
software and operate in a very similar manner. AMD is often less expensive
than Intel, and depending on what you use a computer for one may be somewhat
faster than the other.
Motorola has been largely relegated to the "also-ran" category of
microprocessor manufactures since Apple computer stopped using them in favor
of the IBM Power PC processor (Apple has since switched to Intel).
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Motorola had an excellent 32 bit processor design years before Intel.
Furthermore, the design of the Motorola 68000 processor line (from a
programmer's perspective) was immensely better. The two major features of the
68000 line that made this true were
1) Orthogonality of register access and
2) Number of registers available.
These features made writing code for Motorola CPUs much simpler.
Q.27 What is (i) USB (ii) AGP (iii) XMS (iv) EMS (v) TSR (vi) EDO RAM (6)
(i). USB:The USB (UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS) is intended to connect
peripheral devices such as keyboards, a mouse, modems, and sound cards to
the microprocessor through a serial data path and atwisted pair of wires. The
main idea is to reduce system cost by reducing the number of wires. Another
advantage is that the sound system can have a separate power supply from the
PC, which means less noise. The data transfer rates through the USB are 12
Mbps at present.
(ii). AGP:The latest addition to many computer systems is the inclusion
of the accelerated graphics port(AGP). The AGP operates at the bus clock
frequency of the microprocessor. It is designed so that a transfer between the
video card and the system memory can progress at a maximum speed. The
AGP can transfer data at a maximum rate of 528M bytes per second. This port
probably will never be used for any devices other than the video card.
(iii). XMS:The memory system is divided into three main parts. TPA
(transient program area), system area, and XMS (extended memory
system). The type of microprocessor in your computer determines whether an
extended memory system exists.
(iv). EMS:The area at location C8000H-DFFFFFH is often open or free.
This area is used for the expanded memory systemin a PC or XT system, or
for the upper memory system in an AT system. The EMS allows a 64K-byte
page frame of memory to be used by application programs.
(v). TSR:The TPA also holds TSR (terminate and stay resident) programs
that remain in memory in an active state until activated by a hot-key sequence
or another event such as an interrupt.
(vi). EDO RAM:A slight modification to the structure of the DRAM
changes the device into an EDO (extended data output) DRAM device. In the
EDO memory, any memory access, including a refresh, stores the 256 bits
selected by RAS’ into latches. These latches hold the next 256 bits of
information, so in most programs, which are sequentially executed, that data
are available without any wait states.
Q.28 What are program invisible registers? Explain the purpose of the GDTR. If the
microprocessor sends linear address 00200000H to the paging mechanism,
which paging directory entry and which page table entry is accessed? (3)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Ans, the global and local descriptor tables are found in the memory system. In
order to access and specify the address of these tables, the program invisible
registers used. The program invisible registers are not directly addressed by
software so they are given name.
The GDTR (global descriptor table register) and IDTR (interrupt descriptor
table register) contain the base addresses of the descriptor table and its limit.
The limit of each descriptor table is 16 bits because the maximum table length is
64 Kbytes. When the protected mode operation is desired, the address of the
global descriptor table and its limit are loaded into the GDTR.
For linear address 00000000H – 003FFFFFH, the first entry of the page
directory is accessed. Each page directory entry represents or repages a 4-Mbyte
section of the memory system. The contents of the page directory select a page
table that is indexed by the next 10 bits of the linear address. This means that
address 00000000H – 00000FFFH selects page directory entry 0 and page table
entry 0.
Q.29 Discuss the salient features of a parallel programmable interface, 8255. (4)
• 24 I/O lines in 3 8-bit port groups – A, B, C
• A, B can be 8-bit input or output ports
• C can serve as 2 4-bit input or output ports
• 3 modes of operation:
– Mode 0:A, B, C simple input or output level sensitive ports
– Mode 1:A, B input or output ports with strobe control in C
– Mode 2:A is bidirectional with control/handshake inB and C
• A, B can only change 1 byte at a time
• C has individual bit set/reset capability
• Advantage is non-dedicated circuit can change port configuration with
software and no “glue logic”
• Ports A, B, and C are used for I/O data.
• The control register is programmed to select the operation mode of the three
ports A, B, and C.
• Mode 0 : simple I/O mode
• Any of the ports A, B, CL and CU can be programmed as input or output.
• No control of individual bits (all bits are out or all bits are in)
• Mode 1: Ports A and B can be used as input or output ports with
• Mode 2 : Port A can be used as bidirectional I/O port with handshaking
Q.30 What do you understand by assembler directives? What do the following
assembler directives do?
(iii) DB
(iv) PUBLIC (8)
(i) ASSUME: This directive will be used to map the segment register names
with memory addresses.
The Syntax is as follows:
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
ASSUME SS: Stackseg, DS : Dataseg, CS:Codeseg
The ASSUME will tell the assembler to use the SS register with the address of the stack
segment whose name is stackseg.
(ii) SEGMENT: This directive defines to the assembler the start of a segment with
name segment-name. The segment name should be unique and follows the rules of the
The Syntax is as follows:
Segment Name SEGMENT {Operand (Optional)} ; Comment
Segment Name ENDS.
(iii) DB (Define Byte): The DB directive defines a byte-type variable (i.e. a
variable which occupies one byte of memory space). In a given directive statement,
there may be single initial value or multiple values of the defined variable. If there is
one initial value, one byte of memory space is reserved. If there are multiple values,
one byte of memory space is reserved for each value. The general format is:
Name of Variable DB Initial value or values.
(iv) The PUBLIC and EXTRN directives are very important to modular
programming. PUBLIC used to declare that labels of code, data, or entire segments
are available to other program modules. EXTRN (external) declares that labels are
external to modules. Without these statements, modules could not be linked together
to create a program by using modular programming techniques. They might link, but
one module would not be able to communicate to another.
The PUBLIC directive is placed in the opcode field of an assembly language
statement to define a label as public, so that the label can be used by other modules.
Q.31 Discuss the role of a bus arbiter in a multiprocessor configuration. (4)
Ans, Bus arbiter: Which functions to resolve priority between bus masters and
allows only one device at a time to access the shared bus. The 8289 bus arbiter
controls the interface of a bus master to a shared bus. This is designed to function
with the 8086/8088 microprocessors. Each bus masteror microprocessor requires an
arbiter for the interface to the shared bus, which Intel calls the MULTIBUS and IBM
calls the MICRO CHANNEL.
The shared bus used only to pass information from one microprocessor to another;
otherwise, the bus master function in their own local bus modes by using their own
local programs, memory, and I/O space. Microprocessors connected in this kind of
system are often called parallel or distributed processors because they can execute
software and perform tasks in parallel.
Q.32 Show how a typical DMA controller can be interfac ed to an 8086/8085 based
maximum mode system. (8)
Ans, For 8088 in maximum mode:
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The RQ/GT1 and RQ/GT0 pins are used to issue DMA request and receive
acknowledge signals. Sequence of events of a typical DMA process
1) Peripheral asserts one of the request pins, e.g. RQ/GT1 or RQ/GT0 (RQ/GT0 has
higher priority)
2) 8088 completes its current bus cycle and enters into a HOLD state
3) 8088 grants the right of bus control by asserting a grant signal via the same pin as
the request signal.
4) DMA operation starts
5) Upon completion of the DMA operation, the peripheral asserts the request/grant
pin again to relinquish bus control.
Q.33 What is a co-processor? What is its use in a typical microprocessor based
system. (8)
Ans8087 NDP (numerical data processor) is also known as math co-processor
which is used in parallel with the main processor for number crunching
applications, which would otherwise require complex programming. It is also
faster than 8086/8088 processor in performing mathematical computation. It has
its own specialized instruction sets to handle mathematical programs.
It is a processor which works in parallel with the main processor. It has its own
set of specialized instructions. The number crunching part of the program is
executed by 8087. Instruction for 8087 are written in the main program
interspersed with the 8086 instructions. All the 8087 instruction codes have
11011 as the most significant bits of their first code byte.
Q.34 What is segmentation? What are its advantages? How is segmentation
implemented in typical microprocessors? (8)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Segment memory addressing divides the memory into many segments. Each of these
segments can be considered as a linear memory space. Each of these segment is
addressed by a segment register.
However since the segment register is 16 bit wide and the memory needs 20 bits for
an address the 8086 appends four bits segment register to obtain the segment
address. Therefore, to address the segment 10000H by , say the SS register, the SS
must contain 1000H.
The first advantage that memory segmentation has isthat only 16 bit registers are
required both to store segment base address as wellas offset address. This makes the
internal circuitry easier to built as it removes the requirement for 20 bits register in
case the linear addressing method is used. The second advantage is relocatability.
Q.35 What is a PCI bus? Discuss its features and usage. (6)
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI): This bus was developed by Intel and
introduced in 1993. It is geared specifically to fifth- and sixth-generation systems,
although the latest generation 486 motherboards usePCI as well.
PCI bus has plug – and – play characteristics and the ability to function with a 64-bit
data bus. A PCI interface contains series of registers, located in a small memory device
on the PCI interface that contains information about the board.
Q.36 How is EISA bus different from ISA bus? (4)
The Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) is a 32 bit modification to the ISA
bus. As computers became larger and had wider data buses, a new bus was needed that
would transfer 32-bit data. The clocking speed limited up to 8MHz. The most common
application for the EISA bus is a disk controller or as a video graphics adapter. These
applications benefit from the wider data bus width because the data transfer rate for
these devices are high.
Q.37 Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronoustypes of serial communication.
Ans Serial data communication uses two basic types, synchronous and
asynchronous. With synchronous communications, the two devices initially
synchronize themselves to each other, and then continually send characters to stay in
sync. Even when data is not really being sent, a constant flow of bits allows each
device to know where the other is at any given time. That is, each character that is
sent is either actual data or an idle character.
Asynchronous means "no synchronization", and thus does not require sending and
receiving idle characters. However, the beginning and end of each byte of data must be
identified by start and stop bits. The start bit indicates when the data byte is about to
begin and the stop bit signals when it ends. The requirement to send these additional
two bits causes asynchronous communication to be slightly slower than synchronous
however it has the advantage that the processor does not have to deal with the
additional idle characters.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.38 Draw and explain the block diagram of programmable interrupt controller 8259.
Ans The 8259A adds 8 vectored priority encoded interrupts to the
microprocessor. It can be expanded to 64 interrupt requests by using one master
8259A and 8 slave units. CS and WR must be decoded.Other connections are
direct to microprocessor.
The pins D7 – D0: the bidirectional data connection, IR7 – IR0: Interrupt request,
used to request an interrupt & connect to a slave in a system with multiple 8259A.
WR :-Connects to a write strobe signal (lower or upper in a 16 bit system) , RD :-
Connects to the IORC signal , INT :- Connects to the INTR pin on the
microprocessor from the master and is connected to a IR pin on a slave and INTA
:- Connects to the INTA pin on the microprocessor. In a system only the master
INTA signal is connected
A0 :- Selects different command words with in the 8259A, CS :- Chip select -
enables the 8259A for programming and control, SP/EN :- Slave Program (1 for
master, 0 for slave)/Enable Buffer (controls the data bus transceivers in a large
microprocessor based system when in buffered mode) and CAS2-CAS0 :- Used as
outputs from the master to the slaves in cascaded systems.
Fig : 8259 Block Diagram
Q.39 Discuss the various types of memory devices that you are familiar with. (8)
All of the memory used as main store in a modern computer is implemented as
semiconductors fabricated on wafers of silicon. Semiconductor memory is fast and
easy to use. To fulfil the needs of modern computer systems it is becoming
increasingly dense (more bits per chip) and cheap.
A semiconductor memory chip consists of a large number of cells organized into
an array, and the logic necessary to access any array in the cell easily. Semiconductor memory may be classed according to the mechanism used by each cell
to store data. The simplest type of memory is called static memory. In static
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
memory each cell uses a flip-flop made from four orsix transistors. The data in
each cell is remembered until the power is switchedoff. Static memory is easy to
use and reliable, but is relatively bulky, slow and expensive. Most computer
systems therefore use dynamic memory as their main store. Dynamic memory uses
just a single transistor per cell, and is therefore denser, faster and cheaper.
Unfortunately each cell gradually forgets the data stored in it, and so extra circuitry
must be used to continually refresh the cells.
Memory, with regard to computers, most commonly refers to semiconductor
devices whose contents can be accessed (i.e., read and written to) at extremely high
speeds. The main characteristics of semiconductor memory are based on capacity,
organization and access time. In microprocessor-based systems semiconductor
memories are used as primary storage for code and data.
In contrasts with storage, which (1) retains programs and data regardless of
whether they are currently in use or not, (2) retains programs and data after the
power supply has been disconnected, (3) has much slower access speeds and (4)
has a much larger capacity (and a much lower cost).Examples of storage devices
are hard disk drives (HDD), floppy disks, optical disks (e.g., CDROMS and
DVDs) and magnetic tape.
The term memory as used in a computer context originally referred to the magnetic
core memory devices that were used beginning in the1950s. It was subsequently
applied to the semiconductor memory devices that replaced core memories in the
Computer memory today consists mainly of dynamic random access memory
(DRAM) chips that have been built into multi-chip modules that are, in turn,
plugged into slots on the motherboard (the main circuit board on personal
computers and workstations). This DRAM is commonly referred to as RAM
(random access memory), and it constitutes the mainmemory of a computer.
The random in random access memory refers to the fact that any location in such
memory can be addressed directly at any time. This contrasts with sequential
access media, such as magnetic tape, which must be read partially in sequence
regardless of the desired content.
There are three basic kinds of memory used in microprocessor systems -
commonly called ROM, RAM, and hybrid. ROM and RAM are - "Read Only
Memory" and "Random Access Memory". The program maybe stored in ROM or
RAM - the program does not normally change while it executes - while data is
stored in the registers and RAM. Of course, if you turn off the chip and turn it on
again, you have lost all the contents of the registers, and RAM.
In a typical computer, as much as possible is in RAM, to give the maximum
possible flexibility; you have basic programmes allowing you to interact with
discs, keyboards and the display in ROM, and load in as much of the software as
possible when you run the programs.
Q.40 Write explanatory notes on Microprocessor development system. (16)
Microprocessor development system:
Computer systems have undergone many changes recently. Machines that once
filled large areas have been reduced to small desktop computer systems because of
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
the microprocessor. Although these desktop computers are compact, they possess
computing power that was only dreamed of a few years ago.
The blocks of the microprocessor based system are
1. The Memory and I/O System
2. The DOS Operating System
3. The Microprocessor
Q.41 Discuss DOS function call and BIOS function call with one example of each. (5)
DOS function call:
In order to use DOS function calls, always place the function number into register
AH and load all other pertinent information into registers, as described in the entry
data table (Refer Text1-page no 809). Once this is accomplished, follow with an
INT 21H to execute the DOS function.
Example: MOV AH, 6
INT 21H.
Example shows how to display an ASCII A on the CRT screen at the current cursor
position with a DOS function call.
BIO stands for Basic Input Output System. It is aset of programs to provide most
basic low-level services such as services keyboard,disks, serial port, printer, display,
and bootstrap. BIOS programs are stored in a ROM. When power is switched on
ROM-BIOS takes the control of a computer. First of all, ROM-BIOS programs for
power-on-self test are executed. These tests check that whether the computer is in
proper working order after this test, the process of loading the operating system into
main memory is called booting. ROM-BIOS contains a program called bootstrap
loader, this directs CPU to read from the disk a specific program called boot and to
load it into main memory.
BIOS function callsare found stored in the system and video BIOS ROMs. These
BIOS ROM function directly control the I/O devices,with or without DOS loaded
into a system.
INT10H: This is a BIOS interrupt is often called the video services interrupt because
it directly controls the video display in a system. The INT10H instruction uses a
register AH to select video services provided by this interrupt. The video BIOS
ROM is located on the video board and varies from one video card to another.
INT11H: This function used to determine the type of equipment installed in the
INT12H: The memory size is returned by the INT 12H instructions.
INT13H: This call controls the diskettes and alsofixed or hard disk drives attached
to the system.
INT14H: This call controls the serial COM ports attached to the computer.
Q.42 Differentiate between real and protected modes of an Intel microprocessor. Discuss
protected mode memory addressing in brief. (7)
Ans Operation of Real mode interrupt: When the microprocessor completes
executing the current instruction, it determines whether an interrupt is active by
checking (1) instruction execution, (2) single –step, (3) NMI, (4) co-processor
segment overrun, (5) INTR, and (6) INT instruction in the order presented. If one or
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
more of these interrupt conditions are present, the following sequence of events
1. The contents of the flag register are pushed onto the stack
2. Both the interrupt (IF) and trap (TF) flags are cleared. This disables the
INTR pin and the trap or single-step feature.
3. The contents of the code segment register (CS) are pushed onto the
4. The contents of the instruction pointer (IP) are pushed onto the stack.
5. The interrupt vector contents are fetched, and thenplaced into both IP
and CS so that the next instruction executes at the interrupt service
procedure addressed by the vector.
Protected mode interrupt:
In the protected mode, interrupts have exactly the same assignments as in real
mode, but the interrupt vector table is different. In place of interrupt vectors,
protected mode uses a set of 256 interrupt descriptors that are stored in an
interrupt descriptor table (IDT).
Q.43What do you mean by the term procedure? What is the difference between near
call and far call? (4)
PROC: The PROC and ENDP directives indicate the start and end of a procedure.
These directives force structure because the procedure is clearly defined. The PROC
directive indicates the start of a procedure, must also be followed with a NEAR or
FAR. A NEAR procedure is one that resides in the same code segment as the
program. A FAR procedure may reside at any locationin the memory system.
Q.44 Design an address decoding logic using a 3:8 decoder (74138) to interface a total of
64k memory locations in the address range from F0000 to FFFFF. Divide 64k
memory locations in eight blocks of 8 k locations each and generate eight chip select
signals. (8)
Text1-page 350
Q.45 Draw and explain the block diagram of DMA controller. Also explain the various
modes in which DMAC works. (8)
Direct memory access (DMA) is a process in which an external device takes over
the control of system bus from the CPU.DMA is for high-speed data transfer
from/to mass storage peripherals, e.g. hard disk drive, magnetic tape, CD-ROM, and
sometimes video controllers. For example, a hard disk may boasts a transfer rate of 5
M bytes per second, i.e.1 byte transmission every 200 ns. To make such data transfer
via the CPU is both undesirable and unnecessary.
The basic idea of DMA is to transfer blocks of data directly between memory and
peripherals. The data don’t go through the microprocessor but the data bus is occupied.
“Normal” transfer of one data byte takes up to 29 clock cycles. The DMA transfer
requires only 5 clock cycles.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The modes of operation include demand mode, single mode, block mode, and
cascade mode. Demand mode transfers data until an external EOP is input or until
the DREQ input becomes inactive. Single mode releases the HOLD after each byte
of data transferred. Block mode automatically transfers the number of bytes
indicated by the count register for the channel. Cascade mode is used when more
than one 8237 is present in a system.
Q.46 What is DRAM? What do you understand by DRAM refreshing? With the help of a
block diagram, show how DRAM can be interfaced to amicroprocessor. (6)
Ans Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is essentially the same as SRAM,except that it retains
data for only 2 or 4 ms on an internal capacitor. After 2 or 4 ms, the contents of the
DRAM must be completely rewritten (refreshed) because the capacitors, which store
logic 1 or logic 0, lose their charges. The entire content of the memory is refreshed
with 256 reads in a 2-to-4 ms interval. Refreshing also occurs during a write, a read
or during a special refresh cycle.
Text 1 – Fig (page 342).
Q.47 Discuss mode –2 (bi-directional mode) of 8255 (Programmable Peripheral
Interface). (6)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.48 Discuss the following: (ANY THREE) (12)
(i) Some features of Pentium series of microprocessors.
(ii) Virtual memory.
(iii) MMX Technology.
(iv) Graphics adapters.
(i). Some features of Pentium series of microprocessors:
The Pentium is a 32-bit superscalar, CISC microprocessor. The term superscalar is
used for the processor which contains more than onepipeline to execute more than
one instruction simultaneously in parallel.
The main features of Pentium are, it has two ALU’s,one floating-point unit, two 8
KB cache, pre-fetch buffers, a branch target buffer. Two ALU’s means that there are
two pipelines. Each ALU contains five functional units. The two pipelines are integer
pipelines. They are named U and V pipeline.
When Pentium was introduced, its operating frequency was 60 MHz. gradually; the
operating frequency was raised to 233 MHz. The Pentium uses 0.6 micron Bi-CMOS
process technology. It uses power management feature.
The memory management is improved by adding paging unit and a new system
memory-management mode.
Paging Unit: The paging mechanism functions with 4K– byte memory pages or with
a new extension available to the Pentium with 4M byte-memory pages. In the
Pentium, with the new 4M-byte paging feature memoryfor the page-table reduced to
single page table.
Memory – management mode: The system memory-management mode (SMM) is on
the same level as protected mode, real mode, and virtual mode, but it is provided to
function as a manager. The SMM is not intended to be used as an application or a
system level feature. It is intended for high-level system functions such as power
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(ii). Virtual memory:
The term virtual memory refers to something which appears to be present but
actually it is not. The virtual memory technique allows users to use more memory
for a program than the real memory of a computer. A programmer can write a
program which requires more memory space than the capacity of the main
memory. Such a program is executed by virtual memory technique. The program is
stored in the secondary memory. The memory management unit (MMU) transfers
the currently needed part of the program from the secondary memory to the main
memory for execution. This part of the program is executed by the processor. After
execution this part of the program is sent back to the secondary memory together
with the immediate results. Thereafter, the CPU takes another part of the program
for execution. Thus the main memory always keeps only the currently needed part
of the program. This type of ‘to and fro’ movement instructions and data between
the main memory and secondary memory is called swapping. Thus a program
requiring more memory space than the capacity of the main memory can executed
using a swapping technique. This concept is known avirtual memory technique.
(iii). MMX Technology:
MMX (Multimedia extensions) technology adds 57 new instructions to the
instruction set of the Pentium – 4 microprocessors. The MMX technology also
introduces new general purpose instructions. The new MMX instructions are
designed for application such as motion video, combined graphics with video,
image processing, audio synthesis, speech synthesisand compression, telephony,
video conferencing, 2D graphics, and 3D graphics. These new instructions operate
in parallel with other operations as the instruction for the arithmetic coprocessor.
The MMX architecture introduces new packed data types. The data types are eight
packed, consecutive 8-bit bytes; four packed, consecutive 16-bit words; and two
packed, consecutive 32-bit double words.
(iv) Graphics adapters:
Video card converts digital output from the computer into an analog video signal
and sends the signal through a cable to the monitoralso called a graphics card.
• The number of colours a video card displays is determined by its bit depth
• The video card’s bit depth, also called the color depth, is the number of bits it
uses to store information about each pixel
• i.e. 8-bit video card uses 8 bits to store information about each pixel; this video
card can display 256 colors (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2)
• i.e. 24-bit video card uses 24 bits to store information about each pixel and can
display 16.7 million colors
• The greater the number of bits, the better the resulting image
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), which consists of video card
and monitor manufacturers, develops video stands to define the resolution,
number of colors, and other display properties.
a. Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA)
b. Hercules Graphics Card
c. Colour Graphics Adapter (CGA)
d. Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA)
e. Video Graphics Adapter (VGA)
f. Super VGA (SVGA) and Other Standards Beyond VGA
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.49 Write explanatory notes on (ANY FOUR)
(i) Paging
(ii) 8284 Clock generator
(iii) Assembler Directives
(iv) Hard disk drive controller (16)
(i) Paging:
The memory paging mechanism located within the 80386 and above allows any
physical memory location to be assigned to any linear address. The linear address is
defined as the address generated by a program. Withthe memory paging unit, the
linear address is invisibly translated into any physical address, which allows an
application written to function at a specific address to be located through the paging
mechanism. It also allows memory to be placed into areas where no memory exists.
(ii) 8284 Clock generator:
The 8284 is an ancillary component to the microprocessors. Without clock generator,
many additional circuits are required to generate the clock in an microprocessor
based system. A 8284 provides the following basic functions or signals: Clock
generation, RESET synchronization, READY synchronization, and a TTL-level
peripheral clock signal.
(iii) Assembler Directives:
An assembler directive is a statement to give direction to the assembler to perform
the task of assembly process. The assembler directives control organization of the
program and provide necessary information to the assembler to understand assembly
language programs to generate machine codes. They indicate how an operand or
section of a program is to be processed by the assembler. An assembler supports
directives to define data, to organize segments to control procedures, to define
macros etc.
(iv) Hard disk drive controller: This converts instructions from software running
on the computer to the electrical signals required to operate the hard disk. The
function of a disk controller is disk drive selection, track and sector selection, head
loading, to parallel and parallel to serial conversion of data, error checking etc. The
data recorded on a magnetic disk is the combination of clock and data. Therefore,
data read must be separated from the clock information. The data processed by a CPU
or stored in the main memory is in the byte form. The bytes to be recorded on a
magnetic disk must be converted into serial format.
Q.50 What do you mean by Macro? Discuss merits and dem erits of Macro over
procedures . (6)
Ans MACRO:A sequence of instructions to which a name is assigned is called
macro. Macros and subroutines are similar. Macros are used for short sequence
of instructions whereas subroutines for longer ones. Macros executes faster than
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The MACRO directive informs assembler the beginningof a macro This is used
with ENDM directive to enclose a macro. The general format of the MACRO
directive is :
Macro Name MACRO ARG1, ARG2 , …..,ARG N.
The difference is that a procedure is accesses via a CALL instruction, while a
macro and all the instructions defined in the macro, are inserted in the program at
the point of usage. Creating macro is very similar to creating a new op-code that
can be used in the program.
Q.51 Draw and discuss power failure detection circuit interrupt NMI. (6)
The non-maskable interrupt (NMI) is an edge-triggered input that requests an
interrupt on the positive-edge. After a positive edge, the NMI pin must remain
logic 1 until it is recognized by the microprocessor.
The NMI input is often used for parity errors and other major system faults, such as
power failures. Power failure is easily detected bymonitoring the AC power line
and causing an NMI interrupt whenever AC power drops out. In response to this
type of interrupt, the microprocessor stores all ofthe internal register in a battery
backed-up-memory or an EEPROM. The below fig shows a power failure
detection circuit that provides a logic 1 to the NMI input when ever AC power is
Q.52 Interfaced 2k X 8 (i.e 2716) EPROM using multiple input NAND gate decoder for
memory locations FF800H-FFFFFH. (4)
Simple NAND gate Decoder: When the 2k x 8 EPROM is used, address
connection A10 – A0 of the 8088 are connected to address inputs A10-A0 of the
EPROM. The remaining nine address pins (A19-A11) are connected to the inputs
of a NAND gate decoder. The decoder selects the EPROM from one of the many
2Kbyte sections of the entire 1Mbyte address range of the 8088 microprocessor.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
In this circuit, a single NAND gate decodes the memory address. The output of the
NAND gate is logic 0 whenever the 8088 address pinsattached to its inputs (A19-A11) are all logic 1s. The active low , logic 0 output of the NAND gate decoder is
connected to the CE’ input pin that selects (enables) the EPROM.
Q.53 Explain the functions of the following:
(i) Debugger (ii) Assembler
(iii) Linker (6)
(i) Debugger: It is a program which allows user to testand debug programs. All
computers including microprocessor kits provide debugging facility. To detect
errors a program can be tested in single steps. Each step of the program is
executed and tested. The debugger allows the user to examine the contents of
registers and memory locations after each step of execution. This also provides
facility to insert breakpoint in the programs.
(ii) Assembler: An assembler or macro-assembler generally forms a part of the
operating system. Which translates a assembly language program into machine
language program.
(iii) Linker: A large program is divided in smaller programs known as modules. A
linker is a program which links smaller programs together to form a large
program. While developing a program subroutines, which are stored in library
file, are frequently used in the program. The linker also links these subroutines
with the main program.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.54 Discuss DMA definition and operation in brief (4)
Direct memory access (DMA) is a process in which an external device takes over
the control of system bus from the CPU.DMA is for high-speed data transfer
from/to mass storage peripherals, e.g. harddisk drive, magnetic tape, CD-ROM,
and sometimes video controllers. For example, a hard disk may boasts a transfer
rate of 5 M bytes per second, i.e.1 byte transmission every 200 ns. To make such
data transfer via the CPU is
both undesirable and unnecessary.
The basic idea of DMA is to transfer blocks of data directly between memory and
peripherals. The data don’t go through the microprocessor but the data bus is
occupied. “Normal” transfer of one data byte takes up to 29 clock cycles. The
DMA transfer requires only 5 clock cycles.
Nowadays, DMA can transfer data as fast as 60 M byte per second. The transfer
rate is limited by the speed of memory and peripheral devices.
Q.55 Write an assembly language program to find average of ‘n’ integers. (6)
MOV AX, 0000 ; Initial sum 0000
MOV BX, 0000
MOV SI , 0201H
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
MOV [0401], AX
MOV [0403], BX
Q.56 Explain following instructions in 8086 family with example and their effect on flag.
(i) CWD (ii) IDIV (iii) AAS (iv) SAR
(v) LOOP (vi) SAHF (vii) BOUND (viii) IMUL (12)
(i) CWD (Convert signed word to signed double word): CWD instruction extends
the sign bit of a word in AX register to all the bits of the DX register. It is used
before a signed word in AX is to be divided by another signed word using
IDIV instruction. No flags are affected.
(ii) IDIV : This instruction is used to divide a 16-bit signed number by an 8-bit
signed number or 32 bit signed number by a 16-bit signed number. The 32 bit
dividend is placed in DX and AX registers. The 16 bit divisor is placed in a
specified 16-bit register or memory locations. No flags are affected.
(iii) AAS: (ASCII adjust after subtraction) It is used toadjust the AX register after a
subtraction operation.
(iv) SAR: (Shift each bit of operand right by specified number of bits), this
instruction shifts each bit of the operand which iscontained in an 8-bit or 16-bit
register or memory locations, right by the specified number of bits. The LSB of
the operand is shifted into carry flag. The MSB which is a sign bit for the sign
operand is retained in MSB position.
Flags affected are: OF, SF, ZF, PF and CF.
(v) LOOP: (Jump to specified label until CX = 0) this isused to repeat a sequence
of instructions for the specified number of times. The number of times the
specified sequence is to be repeated is stored in CX register. No flags are
(vi) SAHF: (Store AH register into flag register) It is an instruction used to store
the data in the AH register into the lower eight bits of the flag register.
(vii) BOUND: The BOUND instruction, which has two operands, compares a
register with two words of memory data.
(viii) IMUL: This is an instruction for multiplication of two signed numbers. The
result is a signed numbers. The OF (Over flow) andCF (Carry flag) are get
Q.57 Explain keyboard interfacing to 8088 through 8279. (8)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The 8279 is a programmable keyboard and display interfacing component that scans
and encodes up to a 64-key keyboard and controls upto a 16-digit numerical display.
The keyboard interface has built in first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer that allows it store
up to eight keystrokes before the microprocessor must retrieve a character. The
display section controls up to 16 numeric displays from an internal 16 X 8 RAM that
stores the coded display information.
The keyboard section consists of eight lines that can be connected to eight columns
of a keyboard, plus two additional lines as well asto shift and CNTL/STB keys. The
key pressed are automatically debounced and the keyboard can operate in two modes
two –key lock out or n-key rollover. If two keys inthe two –key lock out mode are
pressed simultaneously, only first key is recognized. In the N-key roll over mode,
simultaneous key are recognized and their codes arestored in the internal buffer.
Control Word: 000DDMMM - Mode set is command withan op-code of 000 and
two fields programmed to select the mode of operation for the 8279. The DD field
selects the mode of operation for the display and the MMM field selects the mode of
operation for the keyboard.
D7 D6 D5 Function Purpose
0 0 0 Mode Set
Selects the number of display
positions, left or right entry,
and type of keyboard scan.
0 0 1 Clock
Programs the internal clock
and sets the scan and debounce times
0 1 0 Read FIFO
Selects the type of FIFO read
and the address of the read
0 1 1 Read display
Selects the type of display
read and address of the read
1 0 0 Write display
Selects the type of write and
address of the write
1 0 1
Display write
Allows half-bytes to be
1 1 0 Clear Clears the display of FIFO
1 1 1 End interrupt
Clears the IRQ signal to the
The 8279 control word summary
Q.58 Discuss the operation of a real mode interrupt and protected mode interrupt. (6)
Ans Operation of Real mode interrupt: When the microprocessor completes
executing the current instruction, it determines whether an interrupt is active by
checking (1) instruction execution, (2) single –step, (3) NMI, (4) co-processor
segment overrun, (5) INTR, and (6) INT instruction in the order presented. If one or
more of these interrupt conditions are present, the following sequence of events
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
1. The contents of the flag register are pushed onto the stack
2. Both the interrupt (IF) and trap (TF) flags are cleared. This disables the
INTR pin and the trap or single-step feature.
3. The contents of the code segment register (CS) are pushed onto the
4. The contents of the instruction pointer (IP) are pushed onto the stack.
5. The interrupt vector contents are fetched, and thenplaced into both IP
and CS so that the next instruction executes at the interrupt service
procedure addressed by the vector.
Protected mode interrupt:
In the protected mode, interrupts have exactly the same assignments as in real mode,
but the interrupt vector table is different. In place of interrupt vectors, protected
mode uses a set of 256 interrupt descriptors that are stored in an interrupt descriptor
table (IDT).
Q.59 Write an assembly language program to find one’s complement and two’s
complement of an 8-bit number (4)
One’s complement of an 8-bit number
LDA 2501H
STA 2502H
Two’s complement of an 8-bit number
LDA 2501H
STA 2502H
Q.60 Discuss the following terms: (Any six)
(i) Branch prediction logic in Pentium
(ii) Cache structure in Pentium
(iii) Threaded system
(iv) Super scalar architecture
(v) Real time operating system
(vi) D/A conversion (12)
(i) Branch prediction logic in Pentium: The Pentium microprocessor uses branch
prediction logic to reduce the time required for a branch caused by internal delays.
These delays are minimized because when a branch instruction is encountered, the
microprocessor begins pre-fetch instruction at the branch address. The instructions are
loaded into the instruction cache, so when the branch occurs, the instructions are
present and allow the branch to execute in one clocking period. If for any reason the
branch prediction logic errors, the branch requires an extra three clocking periods to
execute. In most cases, the branch prediction is correct and no delay ensues.
(ii) Cache structure in Pentium:The cache in the Pentium has been changed from
the one found in the 80486 microprocessor. The Pentium contains two 8K-byte cache
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
memories instead of one as in the 80486. There is an 8K-byte data cache and an 8Kbyte instruction cache. The instruction cache stores only instructions, while the data
cache stores data used by instructions.
(iii) Threaded system:At times we need to implement an operating system that can
process multiple threads. Multiple threads are handled by the kernel using a real-time
clock interrupt. One method for scheduling processes in a small RTOS is to use a
time slice to switch between various processes. The basic time slice can be any
duration and is some what dependent on the execution speed of the microprocessor.
Each time slice is activated by a timer interrupt. The interrupt service procedure must
look to a queue to see whether a task is available to execute, and if it is, it must start
execution of the new task. If no new task is present, it must continue executing an
old task or enter an idle state and wait for a new task to be queued. The queue is
circular and may contain any number of tasks for the system up to some finite limit.
(iv) Super scalar architecture: The Pentium microprocessor is organized with
three execution units. One executes floating-point instructions, and the other two (Upipe and V-pipe) execute integer instructions. This means that it is possible to
execute three instructions simultaneously.
(v) Real time operating system (RTOS):The RTOS is an operating system used
in embedded applications that performs tasks in a predictable amount of time. RTOS
much like any other operating system in that it contains the same basic sections.
There are three components to all operating systems: (1) initialization, (2) the kernel,
(3) data and procedures. The initialization sectionis used to program all hardware
components in the system, load drivers specific to a system, and program the
contents of the microprocessor’s registers. The kernel performs the basic system
task, provides system calls or functions, and comprises the embedded system. The
data and procedure section holds all procedures and any static data used by the
operating system.
(vi) D/A conversion: Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital conversions are two
very important aspects of digital data processing. Digital-to-analog involves
conversion of digital data into equivalent analog data. For example, the output of a
digital system might be converted to analog form using a D/A converter for driving a
servomotor, which drives the cursor arm of a plotter or a pen recorder. It clearly
shows in this example DAC emulating decoding deviceaction.
Q.61 Explain explanatory notes on (Any four)
(i) Comparison of RS232C and RS422A standards
(ii) 8259 programmable interrupt controller
(iii) A/D conversion (16)
(i) Comparison of RS232C and RS422A standards:
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
RS232C RS422A
1. Standard defined for
communications, where there
is specified timing between
data bits and no fixed timing
between the characters that the
bits form.
2. This standard defined 25
signal lines and 50ft is the
maximum guaranteed distance.
3. This standard defines a serial
system with just a single wire
for each direction.
4. Signal levels are : -25 to -3V
and +3 to +25V.
1. Date Rate : 10 Mbits/s
2. Driving ability upto 4000ft
and 10 receivers
3. It is Differential standard i.e –
Each signal is represented by a
pair of wires and voltage
difference across these wires is
what is sensed at the receiver.
This minimizes the effect of
ground noise or the voltage
drop along the signal leads.
4. Signal levels are : -2 to -6V
and +2 to +6V
(ii) 8259 programmable interrupt controller:
The 8259A adds 8 vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor. It can
be expanded to 64 interrupt requests by using one master 8259A and 8 slave units.
CS and WR must be decoded. Other connections are direct to microprocessor.
The pins D7 – D0: the bidirectional data connection, IR7 – IR0: Interrupt request,
used to request an interrupt & connect to a slave in a system with multiple 8259A.
WR :-Connects to a write strobe signal (lower or upper in a 16 bit system) , RD :-
Connects to the IORC signal , INT :- Connects to the INTR pin on the
microprocessor from the master and is connected to a IR pin on a slave and INTA
:- Connects to the INTA pin on the microprocessor. In a system only the master
INTA signal is connected
A0 :- Selects different command words with in the 8259A, CS :- Chip select -
enables the 8259A for programming and control, SP/EN :- Slave Program (1 for
master, 0 for slave)/Enable Buffer (controls the data bus transceivers in a large
microprocessor based system when in buffered mode) and CAS2-CAS0 :- Used as
outputs from the master to the slaves in cascaded systems.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Fig : 8259 Block Diagram
(iii) A/D conversion:
Fig : Block Diagram Representation of ADC Operation
The digital inventory are working a revolution in the field of technology,
microcontrollers, microprocessors are used more effectively than those of analog
circuitry. But the output of any sensors, which deals with physical equality like
temperature, humidity, pressure, viscosity, velocity, which are, used most of the data
acquisition flat forms are in the form of analog signals or continuous signals.
Microcontrollers and microprocessors are do nothingwith these signals. Because they
require the signal in the form of binary numbers. So we should convert these analog
signals into digital format. The following popular methods are used for Analog to
Digital conversion.
1. Flash ADC
2. Digital Ramp ADC
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
3. Successive Approximation ADC
4. Tracking ADC
5. Slope (Integration) ADC.
Q.62 Explain with proper diagram all the six modes of operation of programmable
interval timer 8254. (8)
Mode 0 - Interrupt on terminal count
Mode 1 - Programmable one-shot
Mode 2 - Rate Generator
Mode 3 - Square wave rate generator
Mode 4 - Software triggered strobe
Mode 5 - Hardware trigger strobe
Mode 0: The output in this mode is initially low, and will remain low for the
duration of the count if GATE = 1.
Width of low pulse = N×T
Where N is the the clock count loaded into counter, and T is the clock period of
the CLK input.
When the terminal count is reached, the output will go high and remain high
until a new control word or new count number is loaded. In this mode, if GATE
input becomes low at the middle of the count, the count will stop and the output
will be low. The count resumes when the gate becomes high again. This in
effect adds to the total time the output is low.
Mode 1: This mode is also called hardware triggerable one-shot.The triggering
must be done through the GATE input by sending a 0-to-1 pulse to it. The
following two steps must be performed:
• Load the count registers.
• A 0-to-1 pulse must be sent to the GATE input to trigger the counter.
Contrast this with mode 0, in which the counter produces the output
immediately after the counter is loaded as long as GATE = 1.In mode 1 after
sending the 0-to-1 pulse to GATE, OUT becomes low and stays low for a
duration of N×T, then becomes high and stays high until the gate is triggered
Mode 2: This mode is also called divide-by-N counter. In this mode, if GATE =
1, OUT will be high for the N×T clock period, goes low for only one clock
pulse, then the count is reloaded automatically, and the process continues
Mode 3: In this mode if GATE = 1, OUT is a square wave where the high pulse
is equal to the low pulse if N is an even number. In this case the high part and
low part of the pulse have the same duration and are equal to (N/2)×T (50%
duty cycle). If N is an odd number, the high pulse is one clock pulse longer.
This mode is widely used as a frequency divider andaudio-tone generator.
Mode 4: In this mode if GATE = 1, the output will gohigh upon loading the count.
It will stay high for the duration of N×T. After the count reaches zero (terminal
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
count), it becomes low for one clock pulse, then goes high again and stays high
until a new command word or new count is loaded. Torepeat the strobe, the count
must be reloaded again. Mode 4 is similar to mode 2, except that the counter is not
reloaded automatically. In this mode, the count starts the moment the count is
written into the counter.
Mode 5: This mode is similar to mode 4 except that the trigger must be done with
the GATE input. In this mode after the count is loaded, we must send a low-tohigh pulse to the gate to start the counter.
Q.63 What is a macro? Discuss different conditional constructs/statements used while
programming a macro. (4)
Ans MACRO:A sequence of instructions to which a name is assigned is called
macro. Macros and subroutines are similar. Macros are used for short sequence of
instructions whereas subroutines for longer ones. Macros executes faster than
The MACRO directive informs assembler the beginningof a macro This is used
with ENDM directive to enclose a macro. The general format of the MACRO
directive is :
Macro Name MACRO ARG1, ARG2 , …..,ARG N.
Conditional assembly language statements are available for use in the assembly
process and in macro sequences. The conditional statements create instructions that
control the flow of the program and are variations of the IF-THEN, IF-THENELSE, DO-WHILE, and REPEAT-UNTIL constructs used inhigh-level language
programming languages.
; assembled portion with WIDT = TRUE and LENGT=TRUE;
Q.64 A 450 ns EPROM won't work directly with a 5MHz 8088.Why? Explain. (2)
AnsWhen the 8088 is operated with a 5 MHz clock, it allows 460 ns for the
memory to access data. Because of the decoder’s added time delay 12ns, it is
impossible for this memory to function within 460 ns.
Q.65 What is an interrupt? Discuss all the five software interrupt instructions. (6)
Ans An interrupt is either a hardware-generated CALL or software-generated
The INTEL family microprocessor has software interrupts INT, INT0, INT3
,BOUND and IRET. Out of these five interrupts INT and INT3 are very similar,
BOUND and INT0 are conditional, and IRET is special interrupt return
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The BOUND instruction, which has two operands, compares a register with two
words of memory data.
INT0 instruction checks the overflow flag (OF). If OF=1, the INT0 instruction
calls the procedure whose address is stored in interrupt vector type number 4. If
OF=0, then the INT0 instruction performs no operation and next sequential
instruction in the program executes.
INT n instruction calls the interrupt service procedure that begins at the address
represented in vector number n. For example, an INT 80H or INT 128 calls the
interrupt service procedure whose address is storedin vector type 80H (000200H –
000203H). To determine the vector address, just multiply the vector number (n) by
4, which gives the beginning address of the 4-byte long interrupt vector. For
example, an INT 5 = 4 x 5 = 20 (14H). The vector for INT5 begins at address
000014H and continues to 000017H. The only exception is the INT3 instruction, a
1-byte instruction.
The IRET instruction is a special return instruction used to return for both software
and hardware interrupts. The IRET instruction is much like a RET, because it
retrieves the return address from the stack.
Q.66 Discuss programmable keyboard and display interface -8279 control word
summary. (8)
The 8279 is a programmable keyboard and display interfacing component that
scans up to 64-key keyboard and controls up to a 16-digit numerical display. This
interface has a built-in FIFO (First-In-First-Out) buffer that allows it to store up to
eight keystrokes before the microprocessor must retrieve a character. The display
section controls up to 16 numeric displays from an internal 16 x 8 RAM that stores
the coded display information.
Control Word: 000DDMMM - Mode set is command with an op-code of 000 and
two fields programmed to select the mode of operation for the 8279. The DD field
selects the mode of operation for the display and the MMM field selects the mode
of operation for the keyboard.
D7 D6 D5 Function Purpose
0 0 0 Mode Set
Selects the number of display
positions, left or right entry, and
type of keyboard scan.
0 0 1 Clock
Programs the internal clock and
sets the scan and de-bounce
0 1 0 Read FIFO
Selects the type of FIFO read
and the address of the read
0 1 1 Read display
Selects the type of display read
and address of the read
1 0 0 Write display
Selects the type of write and
address of the write
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
1 0 1
Display write
Allows half-bytes to be blanked
1 1 0 Clear Clears the display of FIFO
1 1 1 End interrupt
Clears the IRQ signal to the
The 8279 control word summary
Q.67 State the importance of PUBLIC, EXTRN directives in modular programming. (4)
Ans The PUBLIC and EXTRN directives are very important to modular
programming. PUBLIC used to declare that labels of code, data, or entire segments
are available to other program modules. EXTRN (external) declares that labels are
external to modules. Without these statements, modules could not be linked together
to create a program by using modular programming techniques. They might link, but
one module would not be able to communicate to another.
The PUBLIC directive is placed in the op-code field of an assembly language
statement to define a label as public, so that the label can be used by other modules.
The EXTRN statement appears in both data and code segments to define labels as
external to the segment. If data are defined as external, their sizes must be defined as
Q.68 What is the main difference between 16 bit and 32 bit versions of C/C++ while using
in line assembler. (4)
Ans The 32-bit applications are written using Microsoft Visual C/C++ for
windows and the 16-bit applications are written using Microsoft C/C++ for DOS. The
main difference is that Visual C/C++ for windows is more common today, but does
not easily call DOS functions such as INT21H.
Q.69 Explain how memory management is improved in Pentium processors? (4)
Ans The memory management is improved by adding paging unit and a new system
memory-management mode.
Paging Unit: The paging mechanism functions with4K – byte memory pages or with a
new extension available to the Pentium with 4M byte-memory pages. In the Pentium,
with the new 4M-byte paging feature memory for the page-table reduced to single
page table.
Memory – management mode: The system memory-management mode (SMM) is on
the same level as protected mode, real mode, and virtual mode, but it is provided to
function as a manager. The SMM is not intended to be used as an application or a
system level feature. It is intended for high-level system functions such as power
management and security, which most Pentiums use during operation.
Q.70 Mention how do the following instructions differ in their functionality- (4)
(i) NEG & NOT (ii) DIV & IDIV
(iii) AND & TEST (iv) CMP & SUB
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Ans, NOT: Logical inversion or the one’s complement and NEG: arithmetic
sign inversion or the two’s complement.
DIV: Unsigned numbers division and IDIV: Signed number division.
AND: Performs the AND operation and changes the destination operand. TEST:
Test instruction performs the AND operation and it wont changes destination
operand but it only affects the condition of the flag register.
SUB: Performs the subtraction operation and changes the destination operand.
CMP: Comparison instruction is a subtraction that changes only the flag bits; the
destination operand never changes.
Q.71 Why memory decoding is required? Describe 74LS139 memory decoder (4)
AnsIn order to attach a memory device to the microprocessor, it is necessary to
decode the address sent from the microprocessor. Decoding makes the memory
function at a unique section or partition of the memory map. Without an address
decoder, only one memory device can be connected toa microprocessor, which
would make it virtually useless.
The 74LS139 is a dual 2-to-4 line decoder. It contains two separate 2-to-4 line
decoders – each with its own address, enable, and output connections.
The Pin-out of the 74LS139
Q.72 Explain data addressing modes (with examples) ava ilable in microprocessors.(8)
Ans, Direct Mode:
• Instruction includes memory access.
• CPU accesses that location in memory.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Reads the data from memory location 5, and stores the data in the CPU’s
Indirect Mode:
• Address specified in instruction contains address where the operand resides.
LDAC @5 or LDAC (5)
Retrieves contents of location 5, uses it to accessmemory address.
Register Direct and Register Indirect Modes
• Does not specify a memory address. Instead specifies a register.
Where R is a register containing the value 5.The instruction copies the value 5 from
register and into the CPU’s accumulator.
Immediate Mode
• The operand specified in this mode is the actual data it self.
Moves the value 5 into the accumulator.
Implicit Mode
• Does not exactly specify an operand. Instruction implicitly specifies the
operand because it always applies to a specific register.
Clears the accumulator, and sets value to zero. Nooperands needed.
Relative Mode
• Operand supplied is an offset, not the actual address. Added to the contents
of the CPU’s program counter register to generate the required address.
LDAC $5 is located at memory location 10, and it takes up two blocks of memory.
Thus the value retrieved for this instruction will be 12 + 5, and will be stored in the
Index Mode and Base Address Mode
• Address supplied by the instruction is added to thecontents of an index
• Base address mode is similar except, the index register is replaced by a base
address register.
LDAC 5(X) where X = 10
Reads data from location (5 + 10) = 15 and stores it in the accumulator.
Q.73 What is the use of these assembler directives-?
(i) .MODEL (ii) PROC (2)
MACRO:A sequence of instructions to which a name is assigned is called macro.
Macros and subroutines are similar. Macros are used for short sequence of
instructions whereas subroutines for longer ones. Macros executes faster than
The MACRO directive informs assembler the beginningof a macro This is used with
ENDM directive to enclose a macro. The general format of the MACRO directive is:
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Macro Name MACRO ARG1, ARG2 , …..,ARG N.
PROC: The PROC and ENDP directives indicate the start and end of a procedure.
These directives force structure because the procedure is clearly defined. The PROC
directive indicates the start of a procedure, must also be followed with a NEAR or
FAR. A NEAR procedure is one that resides in the same code segment as the
program. A FAR procedure may reside at any locationin the memory system.
Q.74 (i) Convert binary number in two's compliment form0100 1000
(ii) Convert hexadecimal BCH to decimal (2)
01001000 => 10111000
BCH =>1011 1100 => 188.
Q.75 What is TPA (transient program area)? Draw the memory map of TPA in a personal
computer and explain different areas. (6)
The memory system is divided into three main parts : TPA, System are and XMS (
extended memory system).
The TPA holds the DOS operating system and other programs that control the
computer system. The TPA also stores any currently active or inactive DOS
application programs. The length of the TPA is 640Kbytes.
Free TPA
Device drivers such
02530 MSDOS Program
01160 IO.SYS Program
DOS Communication
Communication area
Interrupt Vectors
The memory map of the TPA in a Personal Computer
Q.76 What is memory paging? Explain how it is used for memory addressing. (6)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The memory paging mechanism located within the 80386 and above allows any
physical memory location to be assigned to any linear address. The linear address is
defined as the address generated by a program. With the memory paging unit, the
linear address is invisibly translated into any physical address, which allows an
application written to function at a specific address to be located through the paging
mechanism. It also allows memory to be placed into areas where no memory exists.
Q.77 Describe in detail the software interrupts available in INTEL family. How interrupts
are executed in real and protected mode. (8)
The INTEL family microprocessor has software interrupts INT, INT0, INT3 ,BOUND
and IRET. Out of these five interrupts INT and INT3are very similar, BOUND and
INT0 are conditional, and IRET is special interruptreturn instruction.
The BOUND instruction, which has two operands, compares a register with two words
of memory data.
INT0 instruction checks the overflow flag (OF). If OF=1, the INT0 instruction calls
the procedure whose address is stored in interrupt vector type number 4. If OF=0, then
the INT0 instruction performs no operation and next sequential instruction in the
program executes.
INT n instruction calls the interrupt service procedure that begins at the address
represented in vector number n. For example, an INT 80H or INT 128 calls the
interrupt service procedure whose address is stored in vector type 80H (000200H –
000203H). To determine the vector address, just multiply the vector number (n) by 4,
which gives the beginning address of the 4-byte long interrupt vector. For example, an
INT 5 = 4 x 5 = 20 (14H). The vector for INT5 begins at address 000014H and
continues to 000017H. The only exception is the INT3 instruction, a 1-byte instruction.
The IRET instruction is a special return instruction used to return for both software and
hardware interrupts. The IRET instruction is much like a RET, because it retrieves the
return address from the stack.
Q.78 Explain the necessity of decoding when memory device is attached to a
microprocessor? With neat diagram indicate how a simple NAND gate decoder is used
to select a 2716 EPROM memory component for memory locations FF800H-FFFFFH.
In order to attach a memory device to the microprocessor, it is necessary to decode the
address sent from the microprocessor. Decoding makes the memory function at a
unique section or partition of the memory map. Without an address decoder, only one
memory device can be connected to a microprocessor,which would make it virtually
Simple NAND gate Decoder: When the 2k x 8 EPROM is used, address connection
A10 – A0 of the 8088 are connected to address inputs A10-A0 of the EPROM. The
remaining nine address pins (A19-A11) are connectedto the inputs of a NAND gate
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
decoder. The decoder selects the EPROM from one of the many 2Kbyte sections of the
entire 1Mbyte address range of the 8088 microprocessor.
In this circuit, a single NAND gate decodes the memory address. The output of the
NAND gate is logic 0 whenever the 8088 address pinsattached to its inputs (A19-A11)
are all logic 1s. The active low , logic 0 output of the NAND gate decoder is connected
to the CE’ input pin that selects (enables) the EPROM.
Q.79 Write a Program in assembly language to find the largest of n numbers stored in the
memory. (8)
MOV AX, 0000
MOV SI, 0200
MOV [0251], AX
INT 3.
Q.80 Define the following (3)
(i) Isolated I/O (ii) memory mapped I/O
(iii) Hand shaking
There are two schemes for the allocation of addresses to memories and input /
output devices.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
(i). Memory Mapped I/O Scheme: In this scheme there is only one address
space. Address space is defined as all possible addresses that microprocessor can
generate. Some addresses are assigned to memories and some addresses to I/O
devices. An I/O device is also treated as a memory location and one address is
assigned to it. In this scheme all the data transfer instructions of the
microprocessor can be used for both memory as well as I/O device. This scheme
is suitable for a small system.
(ii). In I/O mapped I/O scheme the addresses assigned to memory locations can
also be assigned to I/O devices. Since the same address may be assigned to a
memory location or an I/O device, the microprocessor must issue a signal to
distinguish whether the address on the address bus is for a memory location or an
I/O device.
(iii). Hand shaking: In an ASYNCHRONOUS data transfer is not based on
predetermined timing pattern. This technique of data transfer is used when the
speed of an I/O device does not match the speed of the microprocessor, and the
timing characteristic of I/O device is not predictable. In this technique the status
of the I/O device i.e. whether the device is ready or not, is checked by the
microprocessor before the data are transferred. The microprocessor initiates the
I/O device to get ready and then continuously checks the status of the I/O device
till the I/O device becomes ready to transfer data. When I/O device becomes
ready, the microprocessor sends instructions to transfer data. This mode of data
transfer is also called handshaking mode of data transfer. The microprocessor
issues an initiating signal to the I/O device to get ready. When I/O device
becomes ready it sends signals to the processor to indicate that it is ready. Such
signals are calledhandshake signals.
Q.81 Explain in detail the operation of 8255 in mode1 taking suitable example. (8)
In mode1, Ports A and B are programmed as input or output ports and Port C is used
for handshaking.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.82 What is the function of 8254 Programmable IntervalTimer? Discuss any one of its
applications in detail. (8)
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
• 8253/54 Timer Description and Initialization
• PTI (programmable Interval Timer/Counter)
• 8253 and 8254 have exactly the same pin-out.
• 8254 is a superset of the 8253.
• It Generates accurate time delays
• It can be used for applications such as a real-time clock, an event
counter, a digital one shot, a square wave generator and a complex
waveform generator
8254 Functional Description:
8254 Programming:
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
8254 Mode1 Operation:
Q.83 Discuss the control words (ICWS) of IC8259. (5)
The Programmable interrupt controller is used when several I/O devices transfer data
using interrupt and they are connected to the same interrupt line of the
The Intel 8259 is a single chip programmable interrupt controller. It is compatible
with 8086, 8088 and 8085 microprocessor. It is a 28–pin DIP I.C package and uses
N-MOS technology.
8259 Control Word Initialization
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.84 Write short note on “ANY FOUR” of the following (16)
(ii). Graphic Adapter and MONITOR
(iii). DMA controller
(iv). Protected mode addressing
(i) The ISA or Industry Standard Architecture, bus has been around since the
very start of the IBM-compatible personal computer system. In fact, any card
from the very first personal computer will plug into and function in any of the
modern Pentium 4-based computers. This is all made possible by the ISA bus
interface found in all these machines, which is still compatible with the early
personal computers.
ISA bus has evolved from its original 8-bit standard to the 16-bit standard found
in most systems today. The ISA bus connector contains the entire demultiplexed address bus (A19-A0) for the 1M byte 8088 system, the 8-bit data
bus (D7-D0), and the four control signals MEMR’, MEMW’, IOR’ and IOW’
for controlling I/O and any memory that might be placed on the printed circuit
card. ISA Card only operates at 8 MHz rate.
(ii) Video card converts digital output from the computer into an analog video
signal and sends the signal through a cable to the monitor also called a graphics
• The number of colors a video card displays is determined by its bit depth
• The video card’s bit depth, also called the color depth, is the number of bits
it uses to store information about each pixel
• i.e. 8-bit video card uses 8 bits to store information about each pixel; this
video card can display 256 colors (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2)
• i.e. 24-bit video card uses 24 bits to store information about each pixel and
can display 16.7 million colors
• The greater the number of bits, the better the resulting image
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), which consists of video card
and monitor manufacturers, develops video stands to define the resolution,
number of colors, and other display properties.
g. Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA)
h. Hercules Graphics Card
i. Color Graphics Adapter (CGA)
j. Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA)
k. Video Graphics Adapter (VGA)
l. Super VGA (SVGA) and Other Standards Beyond VGA
(iii) A DMA controller interfaces with several peripherals that may request
DMA. The controller decides the priority of simultaneous DMA requests
communicates with the peripheral and the CPU, and provides memory addresses
for data transfer. DMA controller commonly used with 8088 is the 8237
programmable device.
The 8237 is in fact a special-purpose microprocessor. Normally it appears as
part of the system controller chip-sets. The 8237 is a 4-channel device. Each
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
channel is dedicated to a specific peripheral device and capable of addressing 64
K bytes section of memory.
(iv). This addressing allows access to data and programs located above the first
1M byte of memory, as well as within the first 1M byte of memory. Addressing
this extended section of the memory system requires a change to the segment
plus an offset addressing scheme used with real mode memory addressing. When
data and programs are addressed in extended memory,the offset address is still
used to access information located within the memory segment.
The segment register contains a selector that selects a descriptor from a
descriptor table. The descriptor describes the memory segment’s location,
length, and access rights.
Q.85 Compare RS232C and RS422A standards.
RS232C RS422A
1. Standard defined for
asynchronous communications,
where there is specified timing
between data bits and no fixed
timing between the characters
that the bits form.
2. This standard defined 25
signal lines and 50ft is the
maximum guaranteed distance.
3. This standard defines a serial
system with just a single wire for
each direction.
4. Signal levels are : -25 to -3V
and +3 to +25V.
1. Date Rate : 10 Mbits/s
2. Driving ability upto 4000ft
and 10 receivers
3. It is Differential standard
i.e – Each signal is represented by
a pair of wires and voltage
difference across these wires is
what is sensed at the receiver.
This minimizes the effect of
ground noise or the voltage drop
along the signal leads.
4. Signal levels are : -2 to -6V and +2 to +6V
Q.86 Discuss the feature of Pentium in brief.
Controler DMA Dispozitiv Periferic
Magistrala de adrese
Magistrala de date
Magistrala de comenzi
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The Pentium is a 32-bit superscalar, CISC microprocessor. The term superscalar is
used for the processor which contains more than onepipeline to execute more than
one instruction simultaneously in parallel.
The main features of Pentium are, it has two ALU’s,one floating-point unit, two 8
KB cache, pre-fetch buffers, a branch target buffer. Two ALU’s means that there
are two pipelines. Each ALU contains five functional units. The two pipelines are
integer pipelines. They are named U and V pipeline.
When Pentium was introduced, its operating frequency was 60 MHz. gradually; the
operating frequency was raised to 233 MHz. The Pentium uses 0.6 micron BiCMOS process technology. It uses power management feature.
Q.87 Discuss the following assembler directives with example
vi. ENDP
(i). DWORD:It defines word type variable. The defined variable may have one or
more initial values in the directive statement. If there is one value, two bytes of
memory space are reserved. The general format is
Name of variable DW Initial value or values.
(ii). OFFSET: It is an operator to determine the offset (displacement) of a variable
or procedure with respect to the base of the segment which contains the named
variable or procedure. The operator can be used to load a register with the offset
of a variable.
The operator can be used as follows :
(iii). SEGMENT : This directive defines to the assembler the start of a
segment with name segment-name. The segment name should be unique and
follows the rules of the assembler
The Syntax is as follows:
Segment Name SEGMENT {Operand (Optional)} ; Comment
Segment Name ENDS.
(iv). MACRO: A sequence of instructions to which a name is assigned is
called macro. Macros and subroutines are similar. Macros are used for short
sequence of instructions whereas subroutines for longer ones. Macros executes
faster than subroutines.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The MACRO directive informs assembler the beginning of a macro This is used
with ENDM directive to enclose a macro. The general format of the MACRO
directive is :
Macro Name MACRO ARG1, ARG2 , …..,ARG N.
(v). ASSUME: This directive will be used to map the segment register names with
memory addresses.
The Syntax is as follows:
ASSUME SS: Stackseg, DS : Dataseg, CS:Codeseg
The ASSUME will tell the assembler to use the SS register with the address of the
stack segment whose name is stackseg.
(vi). ENDP: (End Procedure) It informs assembler the end of a procedure. In
assembly language programming, subroutines are called procedures. A procedure
may be an independent program module to give certain result or the required value
to the calling program. This directive is used together with PROC directive to
enclose procedure. The general format of ENDP directive is:
Procedure Name ENDP
Q.88 Discuss Stepper motor interfaced to the 82C55.
A stepper motor rotates in steps in response to digital pulse input. The shaft of the
motor rotates in equal increments when a train of input pulses is applied. To control
direction, numbers of steps to appropriate pulses are applied to the stator windings
of the motor.
12 V supply is used to energize the poles. Pulses sent by the microprocessor switch
on rated voltage to the windings of the desired poles. A delay subroutine is
incorporated in the program. After energizing one set of pole windings some delay
is provided, then the power supply is switched ontothe other set of pole windings.
This delay governs the speed of motor.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
Q.89 Discuss the EISA bus and need of PCI bus.
The Extended Industry Standard Architecture (EISA) is a 32 bit modification to the
ISA bus. As computers became larger and had wider data buses, a new bus was
needed that would transfer 32-bit data. The clocking speed limited up to 8MHz.
The most common application for the EISA bus is a disk controller or as a video
graphics adapter. These applications benefit from the wider data bus width because
the data transfer rate for these devices are high.
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI): This bus was developed by Intel and
introduced in 1993. It is geared specifically to fifth- and sixth-generation systems,
although the latest generation 486 motherboards usePCI as well.
PCI bus has plug – and – play characteristics and the ability to function with a 64-bit data bus. A PCI interface contains series of registers, located in a small memory
device on the PCI interface, that contains information about the board.
Q.90 Explain cascading of multiple PIC 8259.
The 8259A adds 8 vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor. It can
be expanded to 64 interrupt requests by using one master 8259A and 8 slave units.
CS and WR must be decoded. Other connections are direct to microprocessor.
The pins D7 – D0: the bidirectional data connection, IR7 – IR0: Interrupt request,
used to request an interrupt & connect to a slave in a system with multiple 8259A.
WR :-Connects to a write strobe signal (lower or upper in a 16 bit system) , RD :-
Connects to the IORC signal , INT :- Connects to the INTR pin on the
microprocessor from the master and is connected to a IR pin on a slave and INTA
:- Connects to the INTA pin on the microprocessor. In a system only the master
INTA signal is connected
Fig: 8259 Pin Diagram
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
A0:- Selects different command words with in the 8259A, CS :- Chip select -
enables the 8259A for programming and control, SP/EN :- Slave Program (1 for
master, 0 for slave)/Enable Buffer (controls the data bus transceivers in a large
microprocessor based system when in buffered mode) and CAS2-CAS0 :- Used as
outputs from the master to the slaves in cascaded systems.
Fig: cascading multiple 8259
Q.91 Discuss need of Pipelining and Caches.
AC23 Microprocessor Based System Design
The simplest technique for improving performance through hardware parallelism is
pipelining. Pipelining consists of breaking up the operations to be performed into
simpler independent operations, sort of like the breaking up the operations of
assembling a car in an assembly line. A typical processor pipeline consists of 4
pipeline stages (1) Instruction fetch, (2) Instruction decode (3) Instruction execute
and (4) Register file write-back/memory access. In practice however, real
architectures have many more physical pipeline stages, with multiple physical
stages corresponding to one of the above stages. For example the execute stage
might occupy 4 physical pipeline stages
The primary advantages of pipelining are
- Parallelism
- Smaller cycles time
Caches are the other big thing done in the last 2 decades to improve performance.
Keep things locally if they are going to be used soon. From a physics point of view,
an access to memory which is almost exclusively offchip will mean signals have to
travel that much further in one cycle. In practice,since we do not want to make the
system as slow as its slowest component (memory), and the cycle time is not
determined by the memory access time, and rather memory takes several cycles to
Q.92 Explain in brief steps to develop a Microprocessor based computer system
The design of a microcomputer system must begin with the CPU module. This
module establishes the basic system timing, providean orderly means of starting up
the processor, and provide access to the system buses.
The second step is adding Memory, it is essential to the stored program computer.
From this unit that the CPU fetches instructions directing it in some task. But within
a particular computer system there may be several types of memories each with its
own hierarchy.
The third step is adding input / output: This is also known has user interface.
There are basically two hardware techniques for getting data into and out of a
computer. The first is the parallel interface and is the most natural for
microprocessor. The second technique is the serial interface.
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